
AF is AWOL!?

by  |  earlier

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I have yet to see any sign of AF, I haven't had a period since the end of may first of June (not sure of the exact date)My periods are never exactly on the date, but never this late.I have taken 4 HPT's all are neg (all taken on different days) If I conceived it was between June 9-19. Is it possible to still test neg on an HPT this late in the game?? or is my body just playing tricks on me. Someone give me some advice please!




  1. It sounds like your body is playing tricks on you. So sorry. A HPT would show by now. You should go see a doctor though, a period that late is a problem. Also, they can do a blood test just to check. If you ovulated later than you think a test may not show. Good luck to you!

  2. A home pregnancy test didn't show positive for me until I was eight weeks pregnant. So you might still have a chance. My cycles weren't normal at the time either. I think that plays a part in it. You could ask your doctor for a blood test and that will tell you for sure. Good luck.

  3. My advice to you is to go and get a 2nd opinion because if you asked your doctor for a blood test (and you clearly have a reason to get one by the way) and the doctor refused you have every right to be angry! Try going to another gynecologist or family physician. You may not be regularly ovulating for any number of reasons including irregular cycles, pregnancy, miscarriage, or possibly a different medical reason. If I were you I'd make sure that I got a quantitative hcg blood test because anything over 5 is pregnant and women don't normally have any hcg in their system at all.
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