
AF late due to pap? Due today or tomorrow.?

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I am wondering if it's possible for AF to be late due to recently having a pap test done? AF should be due today, or tomorrow, but usually the day prior to AF, and the day of, I "know" it's about to start, and I can feel the symptoms of it. I don't feel anything yet! Last period was July 31st.

Anyway, I recently had a pap done about a week & 3 days ago. Is it possible for that to throw you off schedule?? It's strange too, because for about a week after having the pap done, I had a constant cramping. I even called the hospital but all they could tell me over the phone was that it's not normal to be cramping like that after a pap.

Anyway, I'm just wondering. I find it strange that AF should be due today or tomorrow, and it doesn't even feel like it now! I've never skipped a period, but maybe I'll miss this one because of that pap??

Thanks for any answers!




  1. Having a routine pap done doesn't affect your cycle at all.  I get them done regularly every 6 months and never had an issue.  Besides, your period is the uterine lining coming out.  The doc doesn't touch the inside of your uterus during a pap.  

    Maybe you ovulated later than you thought.  Or maybe you're pregnant.  The only way to know is to take an HPT.  Good luck.

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