
AF longer than usual, need help calculating next ovulation!?

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Okay, I just realized that I have now been on my period for 9 or 10 days! This is very unusual- it usually only lasts about 4-5 days!

Anyway, the first 2-3 days of AF wasn't the typical blood, it was brown stuff (sorry TMI)

So, I am just wondering (this has never happened before, but I think it has to do with a trip to the gyno a couple weeks prior to AF, and so that brown stuff might have been old blood or something- maybe the pap test triggered it or something) Anyway, I am wondering if those first few days of AF, where it was only brown stuff, count as being the start of AF?

Or, was the "start" of it, when the red blood finally appeared??

I know this sounds confusing but I need to know so that I can calculate next possible ovulation better? This is the first time my period lasted this long!

Thank you for any answers!




  1. Even though your period is off this month (this also happens to me) you should calculate your ovulation on another method other than your cycle days. You could use a natural way of taking your temperature in the morning before you get out of bed - when there is a spike in your temp that means you ovulated. Your cervical mucus will also change when you ovulate.  Also you can try an opk(ovulation predictor kit) which will tell you your lh surge right before you ovulate (within 24-48 hrs). Alot of women have irregular periods and have to use an alternative way to calculate their ovulation day. Good Luck and I hope this helped - lots of baby dust for you!!!

  2. I agree with "Just Married and very HAPPY", but to answer your question I've been told that you wouldn't count your first cycle day until you AF was actually flowing a significant amount. Most women spot before their period. I wouldn't worry too much.  You did say that you've gone to the OBGYN within the last month.  If you continue to have this issue I would call nurse advice through your Health Care provider.  They usually have 24-hour service and you can get the number from the back of your medical card.  Good Luck!!  

  3. Usually cycle day 1 starts when you see red blood.  The brown stuff usually means spotting of older blood. I am not sure if it should be connected to the gyn visit.  I am not sure if you BBT chart but it will really help you figure out when you ovulate.  Also, get the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility.  It is an awesome book.  Best of Luck!

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