
AF still missing???

by  |  earlier

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my last period was the end of May sometime (slightly irregular, usually no more than a week or 2) If I conceived it was between June 9-19. With my first I tested neg with HPT, I have taken 4 preg tests all were neg (June 27, July 4, 11, 19th) I called the Dr. today and she said that they don't use blood test to check for pregnancy, just urine?? Has anyone else had a problem testing positive on HPT's? I'm not sure what to do, should I wait until the end of July? The Dr. doesn't seem to concerned about it. Anyone else having this problem?




  1. I would get a new doctor, thats the first thing that I would do.  That sounds crazy that they don't do blood test to check for pregnancy.  I've never had that problem with my doc.

  2. ya i am i was due on 2 weeks ago and i had test 1 poss and 5 tests neg, but still no period and no period symptom's i thought it must have been a chemical pregnancy but all research i have done says there should not be a delay that long just heavier period and maybe a few days late.

  3. Maybe try going to a different doctor who will help you. Good luck!

  4. I'm a week late, still getting negative pregnancy tests. The doctors all refused to do blood tests, although I know they do them... The doctor also didn't seem concerned (obviously they've never had to really try for a baby or they wouldn't put us through this).

    Anyway, I talked to enough doctors and got frustrated enough that I finally talked one of them into scheduling the blood test for me... I'll go for the draw tomorrow.

    I would either call a different doctor or demand the blood test... that's what I had to do.

  5. Ok you mention you might have concieved between 9 - i am assuming you know appr when you ovulate. So as of july 19th you were more than 14+ days past ovulation.....if that is the case and test was still negative i doubt you could be pregnant !! Sorry.

    Sometimes body reacts in different ways when you are trying to concieve...since you have some irregular periods...i think you periods are just too late...

    You should talk to you doc and mention this (periods as well) and see ...if she still says the same may be consult someone else

    Good luck

  6. Your OB/GYN should be able to give you at least a lab slip to go take and blood pregnancy test called a BETA.  But since your HPT's are coming back neg, you should probably schedule an appt with your Dr again to discuss some other testing that could be, polycystic ovarian syndrome, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc...via a vaginal ultrasound or have some blood test to check your hormones.  Dr's usually don't become concerned until more major things happen...which sucks considering most things could be taken care of so easily in the beginning.  I've learned that you need to push your doctors for answers and if they don't like it, then switch doctors.
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