
AFL Grand final.......?

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Would you prefer it to be played during the day or have it at night?

I prefer the GF was played during the day, but ch10 wants it to be played at night.They say they want more people watching it on the TV (prime time)

What do you think?




  1. Day time Kev hun, It's more safe to go out of the streets although at night time Melbourne is very beautiful.

  2. Games look better under lights, but I'm not sure I could remain sober on Grand Final day long enough to last till a night game!

    We usually start with a BBQ and Beers Breakfast!!!!!!!!

  3. Day time only.having the game at nite, it dosnt finish till 10.30, 11 o'clock then  by the time they do the presentations & u get out of the car park, its gonna b midnight b4 ya get back to the local 2 celebrate. Bbq lunch with a few coldies, watch the game then party the rest of night away! its the way we've been doin it for over 100 years so y change for the sake of a few board members at channel 10 trying to work out how to squeeze us all for a few more dollars (the extra money they will make will actually come from higher ad pricing ) u let a commercial channel make this kind of desision & u are gonna open a floodgate for corporate sponsers to take over the game that should always belong to us, the people who buy our memberships, pay for our seats, eat their c**p food, & purchace their neverending list of merchendise. Survey these people to find where to make changes, not the corporate body of foreign investors trying to fill their pockets

  4. I'm with you on this one big Kev,the grand final should remain a day game,its tradition and a tradition i don't think should change just so a t.v net work can improve their ratings when it already rates as one of the most watched programs for the year,i love grand final day starting out as breakfast watching the under 18's having a BBQ and a few cold ones then getting ready for the big game,kicking the footy with the mates and the kids at half time while im half drunk (usually doing some sort of injury)and just enjoying the afternoon which usually follows into the night,if it were at night it would just be another game on t.v and no where near as enjoyable as a full DAY OF GRAND FINAL FEVER.

  5. no its better the way it is...during the day...yy make it at night channnel 10 gets the high rating

  6. Saturday arvo only! It's tradition.


  7. Day time, i dont think there is any need to have it at night. Why change a good thing?

  8. i prefer night time

    all footy and sports is better under lights

  9. During the day is the best, to listen on the internet, the game starts about 11:30 p.m. the night before, USA Central time. A night game in Melbourne would be a mess, with a 4:40 a.m. USA central time start. But, since we in America can't see it on television, it probably don't matter, I guess. Thanks Andrew Demetriou, Ben Buckley--what bunch of wankers. The AFL wants to promote the game around the world and then screws over USA dollars waiting to find their way into the AFL pockets. Yes, I am on a soapbox, but no footy on television in the USA really pisses me off.

  10. Day .. always and forever day.

    I'm a traditionalist and too many traditions have gone by the by ...

  11. Night grand final. Because now they can have fireworks.

  12. NRL are going through this argument. Nearly all our games are played at night and the dew on the ground makes it not as good because teams are less willing to throw the ball around. The GF is at night but their is a move to have it changed.

    I would definately choose a day game. When I was a kid I would never have been allowed to stay up and watch it - what a tragedy for all the kids out there. I can't tell you all the classic State of ORigin games I missed out on.....

  13. it doesnt really matter but i'll say leave it the way it is as a daytime match, all that matters is that it's great match (and west coast wins)

  14. I quite like night games. They look good on television and they can have fireworks and more of a show.

    For AFL news and views check out my blog at

  15. during the day definitely... the sun is shining everyones in a good mood and it allows people to go out and party all night to celebrate their teams win!

  16. Thats the problem with TV, it's all about money ...... what about the paying public, the young kids, the families ?

    I guess, i'm a bit of a traditionalist

    It should be played during the day, all Aussies get to enjoy it that way, as it's always a live telecast.

    The Grand Final is Prime Time, the proof is by going to a mall when it's on, there's hardly anyone there .... why ????  cause they're all watching the game.  

    Leave it the way it is, there are already too many people making too many changes to our great game.

  17. Night because i always have work when its on and have to sneak in the back to watch it hehehe

  18. definately during the day

  19. Daytime only, and MCG only.

    I don't care about 10's ratings.

  20. during the day

  21. The GF should be during the day so families can enjoy it together. It would be nice if there was something left alone in AFL!

  22. The day Kev buddy, It's been on day for as long as i can remember so keep it on day.

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