
AFL Training Drills?

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Does anyone have any good ideas for some Aussie Rules Training drills? I have to help the coach come up with some different and exciting training drills that keep all the girls interested for the whole session. And yes, it is women's AFL.





  1. Hi Dani, there are a stack of drills, always keep in mind to make them quick, not too long doing the same thing, make them fun, with some sort of competition drills and make sure whatever drills you do, don't have players standing around for 3-4 minutes till their turn in the drill, boredom is the enenmy at footy training.

    make your drills a mixture of one on one, skill work, and tactic practice, like throw ins and centre bounce work.

    a good drill is to have 3 onto 1, the 1 has to battle in a confined area designated by hats or whatever you use, to get the ball off the 3, rarely does the 1 achieve this, the aim is to make this player get used to making 2nd and 3 rd efforts.

    circle work is another good drill, it's an oldy but does  allow players to practice kicking to a moving target and takin handballs off marking players, just get in a big circle and go for it, start with 1 ball, then add another and another, depending on your numbers, players must not be standing still at any time, keep jogging or walking, good for fitness, then  you can go the other way, players get to use the other side of their bodies. keep moving the ball and players in a circle, players run plenty of laps if this is done properly.

    Lastly,  divide into  two teams at the goal post, go one at a time to the center bouncing as you go or patting the ball along in front you, turn around and  take a couple of bounce's and kick to the leading player next in line, never to a still target, the ball should always be kicked into space so the leading player can run onto it. first team to get back to the first player wins, players can also go in twos, to speed up waiting time.

    always do drills that somehow relate to game play, these are called 'game sense', coaches are taught these drills when attending courses. tackles, taking the ball up the ground the way you want to during a match etc.

    hope it wasn;t too much to read, write it down and use them, you can never have enough drills, remember to change them around and do them short and sharp.

    good luck.

  2. The best thing to do would be go down & watch a blokes team training. Then have a talk with the coach & he'll pass on some useful info for you to use.

    It's a bit too hard explaining what you want to know on here.You'll be able to see for yourself what will be beneficial & keep the attention of the girls. Also try & have a male player attend for a couple of nights & give a hand.

  3. This one is great for fitness and skills, it used to be my favourite: Jog or Run in groups of threes or fours around the centre square with 20 to 30m spacings between groups. Handball to each other once and the last girl to receive the ball kicks to the group of girls running in front of them, At the same time the group following you would have kicked their ball to you, then continue to hanball between your own group and then kick to the group in front of yours again. Try and not let the balls hit the ground. You need at least 3 groups to make this work. It was actually harder to explain than i thought. Hope you make sense of it.

  4. play 1/2 a scratch match with only hand ball no kicking

    then other half only kicking no hand ball

    good onya
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