
AFL football question - Is it true that, in Melbourne, they are training..........?

by  |  earlier

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.........chimpanzees to play Australian Rules football.

I heard a rumour that they are training the chimps to play the game as they will relate better to the Melbourne crowds than the current AFL players.

Is this true?





  1. I heard that rumour also.

    The zoo can charge extra to put the chimps in an arena, with seating, cheerleaders,cheer squad, and Bob Skilton as the coach.

    This might get better gate takings than some of the c**p matches that we had last year.

    They could even be a travelling team, as it becomes more popular, Of course Swans and the Bears wouldn't know the difference, as they have had apes playing for them for years.

  2. I think you are very confused.

    Its the rugby players who stick fingers up eachothers butts and stick their heads into their fellow opponents butts in the scrums.

    YCKMA too if you like ;)

  3. The took a sample of Willie Masons DNA and found that he was actually a Gorilla that was shaved.

  4. that would be good to see, monkeys peeing on each other while trying to kick the sherrin


  5. So Rugby must be taken a leaf out of the AFL new training program then. Cause Im sure they said they were training orangutans to play the game. They like to bum pick and sniff so supporters like you can find a happy medium in the game of Rugby.

    Dont know just heard that rumour, thought you might like to know about

  6. I guess your looking for monkeys to answer this Q then.

  7. no

  8. nah where did you hear such a rumor, i bet the roos started spreading that one or those bloody wombats, fur balls they are. But then again any wanker who believe that has he's hands to busy.

  9. yeah i heard that rumor,and if its true you could bet its a fact they'd still pull bigger crowds than the league with their woeful 8,000 average :)

  10. I have seen a few gorillas playing rugby - I don't think they were human because they didn't have necks and their ears were all crumpled up like a cauliflower. Maybe the AFL is taking a leaf out of their book.

    Having grown up in Sydney seeing a few Parramatta and Canterbury games I''m not sure if the players would want to relate with their supporters at all - when Parramatta won their first premiership their supporters burnt down their home grounds grandstand as part of their celebration.

  11. find a new rumor site mate.

    we dont appreciate ar*eholes like you in this section

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