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okay so i had a tonsilectomy and an adenoidectomy and it hurt like h**l today is my 3 day of healing and im able to eat light things like mac 'n' cheese and stuff like that but man o man i am itchyer than ever!!!! is anyone else ichy like that? im taking amoxicilin and tylonal with codine let me know!




  1. Could very well be an allergic reaction to the codine. I would call and have that checked. My daughter just had hers tonsels and adnoids out also on the 7th of August, so I'm right there with ya! Just hang in there ok!

  2. you could be allergic to penicillin (similar to amoxil) or codeine.  

  3. Chances are that it is NOT an allergic reaction.  Allergic reactions usually don't cause itching without hives first.  An allergic reaction would also show other signs.

    Itching is very common when taking opioid pain relievers.  It is an adverse drug reaction.  A lot of people think that they are allergic to a medication because they have had an adverse reaction...THESE ARE NOT THE SAME THING!  Adverse drug reactions are common and expected to occur with the administration of medications.  Allergic reactions are cause by hypersensitivity to an ingredient in the medicine and can be life threatening.
You're reading: AFTER A TONSILECTOMY ?

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