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what do you think the consequences will be??? desperate need of help.




  1. haha u k**b

    ull probs have you licence took away for a few years and a fine dont know how much but it would be nice to know how much they do fine you

    and your parents are gonna have your ***** pants down

  2. 20 years hard labour with a bit of luck you are just an idiot who needs to grow up and act your age not your shoe size it is idiots like you that make my insurance high

  3. Idiot.  At least it was a scooter and not a car. I dont even like alchohol, I find it hard to understand why anyone likes it >.<

  4. definite disqualification prob' 12 months maybe more, retest if you've passed already,  11 points on your license(one more point and your banned again) when you get it back,

    Maybe community sentence with probation if the magistrate ain't getting any

    If you were more than once over the limit longer disqualification and you will have to take a medical to get your license back again

  5. Consequences? Like you care. Just do us all a favour, and when you do finally wipe yourself out in a Darwinesque display of fuckwittery, do it on your own.

  6. Get a bus pass or walk

    loss of licence  fine and police making sure you are not driving anything bigger than a pushbike

  7. What a ****** idiot!!!


    We all learn by our mistakes but this isn't a mistake, its thoughtless, inconsiderate and selfish behaviour from a cretin who thinks they can do what they like and then, through their own stupidity,  become a huge danger to everyone around them!!

    I hope its a long time before you venture on the roads again!

  8. you can get points and be banned from getting a licence when your old enough for one.

  9. If it's your first offence, you'll probably get an interview under caution and a written warning.  If you've done it before, you'll be hanged.

  10. I can almost guarantee you WILL be banned!

    For 1 - you should NOT be drinking alcohol at 16!

    2 - If you are drinking you should NOT be riding

    3 - Only an idiot drinks and rides!

  11. How embarrassing? 'd*ckhead'...

  12. never mind it will only stay on your license for 11 years, high insurance, cant hire cars,     doh!!!!!!!!!!

  13. hope they ban you and you have to resit a test please let us all know so we can have a laugh i'm so sorry for you's drink drivers aye right

  14. Well hopefully you'll loose your licence -

    I don't want another teenage idiot on

    the roads I ride !!!!!!!!!!

  15. silly boy but its not the end of the world mate take the fine and

    dont be so silly next time we all learn by our mistakes

  16. You are going to have to face it  there is nothing to get you out of it. Should have thought about it before you did it. Hopefully you will never drive anything on  public road again

  17. If you were MY kid you'd be more worried about what I would do than the law. Your a$$ would have to get married in your room because you wouldn't be allowed out of it until you were 40! I very much agree that people like YOU are the reason our insurance rates are out of sight and I haven't had a moving violation since 1979! I detest DUI drivers because my only brother was killed by a stupid jerk like you!

  18. 12 month ban for drink driving

    points on licence

    huge increase in insurance after ban

    underage drinking

    I am assuming that you hold a full licence, if not you were displaying 'L' plates weren't you  -  if not failure to display 'L' plates

    given time I'm sure I could think of something else.

  19. Idiot. It's people like you that p**s me off.

  20. Being only 16, the main thing is that you learn not to do it again. We all make mistakes, if you get a 12 or 18 month ban then take it like a man. That time will fly by.

    I would predict that you get a 12 month ban and will have to pay court costs. You will probably have to go on an alcohol awareness course too.

  21. No license...drinking....ask a neighbour they maybe able to help..

  22. Hopefully they will throw the book at you and if I was the judge I would make an example and lock you up but unfortunately I am not

    I'm not against young people having fun but at 16 you should know that you would be a danger with drink inside you and to take to the road as well is something you know you should not have done.  I sometimes think that you young uns think you are invincible but getting caught is the very least of your problems that could have happened.  So you'll get a ban for a bit and hopefully a heafty fine and when you finally get your licence back your insurance will be sky high.  Hopefully you will serve the ban and NOT do anything even more stupid but somehow I think that you might just do something more stupid as invariably you do.

    Do you have any idea just how bad things could have turned out for you.

    Mummies little prince could have been hurt !!!!


    Hit and killed another human being, maybe a child like yourself, perhaps the bread winner of a local family, or a Mum walking with her baby leaving that baby without a Mum.  Read this and think just how stupid you have been then grow up and take everything they throw at you happy in the knowledge that you have been lucky this time and learn from this

    I have copied something that hopefully might just stir up some emotions in you .  Read it and weep because this could so easily have been you that caused this girl to die.

    I went to a party

    And remembered what you said.

    You told me not to drink, Mum

    So I had a sprite instead.

    I felt proud of myself,

    The way you said I would,

    That I didn't drink and drive,

    Though some friends said I should.

    I made a healthy choice,

    And your advice to me was right,

    The party finally ended,

    And the kids drove out of sight.

    I got into my car,

    Sure to get home in one piece,

    I never knew what was coming, Mum

    Something I expected least.

    Now I'm lying on the pavement,

    And I hear the policeman say,

    The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,

    Mum, his voice seems far away.

    My own blood's all around me,

    As I try hard not to cry.

    I can hear the paramedic say,

    This girl is going to die.

    I'm sure the guy had no idea,

    While he was flying high,

    Because he chose to drink and drive,

    Now I would have to die.

    So why do people do it, Mum

    Knowing that it ruins lives?

    And now the pain is cutting me,

    Like a hundred stabbing knives.

    Someone should have taught him,

    That it's wrong to drink and drive.

    Maybe if his parents had,

    I'd still be alive.

    My breath is getting shorter, Mum

    I'm getting really scared.

    These are my final moments,

    And I'm so unprepared.

    I wish that you could hold me Mum,

    As I lie here and die.

    I wish that I could say, 'I love you, Mum!'

    So I love you and good-bye.

    If you have read and got this far then good on you and if it has made you think then better still, if has reduced you to tears then even better, if it has made you realise your stupidity and that you might never do that again then good for you.  

    Now grow up and fast


  24. ban fine they should lock you up but they wont

  25. think yourself lucky you got caught before you killed someone you idiot!!!, i have to earn my living on the roads (hgv driver) if i had my way you'd be banned for life i don't want to share the roads with inconsiderate childish stupid jerks like you when i have a wife and kids waiting for me at home, hoping I'll return safe

  26. I think most of the above answerers think you are an idiot and I agree with them!

    In desperate need of help? HARD LUCK!

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