
AHH How can i fix a broken china plate??

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So I kindve accidentaly broke one of moms China dishes and I know when she finds out all h**l will break lose so can anyone help me?? Im probably gonna throw it away, and on the back it said china like it was made there so is it expensive??




  1. there are places that make almost invisible repairs for this sort of thing.

  2. you really can't fix it.  Also, many glues aren't made for food consumption.

    I did the same thing when I was a teenager only I dropped (!!) a box containing my grandmother's china which she gave my mother.....

    Check out a company called  They are awesome and you can buy china (and more) from them.  All you need is the pattern's name and maker and yo can enter the data in their web site and see if they have anything available.

  3. Sorry; don't mean to sound harsh but throwing it away and lying (by pretending you don't know where it went) is just wrong.  You don't say how old you are but I'm assuming a teenager?  

    Either try to replace it if you are that worried or go to her and tell her you're sorry and offer to reimburse her for the replacement.

    If one of my kids owns up to something they get in virtually no trouble compared to lying to me.  I can't stand a liar.  Everybody messes up; have to deal with it.

    I would not try to glue it and sneak it back.  If it is a collectors piece your glue job will likely be worse than leaving it broken.  I'd check out the replacement website and say you're sorry.  

  4. Maybe you can use porselen glue

    thanks -

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