
AHHH HELPP MEEE!!!!! (russians invading czech.)?

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when the Russians invaded Czechoslovakia what happened to the czechoslovakians?

as in was there any sort of torture or capture?

please help me i cant find it on any websites




  1. I'm pretty sure at least some czech people made it out alive

  2. look into wikipedia

  3. Cooperating units of USSR, Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary /?/ invaded the Czechoslowakia on the 21 aug, 1968. The invasion ceased the local attempts to release the strict communist dictatorship of one Party. Though actually the attempts were not dedicated to overthrowing the Communist party but rather to incorporate certain democratic principles within socialist politics, it seemed revolutionary to the Soviets, and particulary to the Eastern Germans.

    As a result, the Czechoslowakia happened to be effectively conserved in the status quo of the year 1970 for next two decades.

    Imminent steps were taken against any objectors to invasion, resulting in bullying or direct inprisonation of the people, depending on their deeds.

    USSR forces remained on sentry in the Czechoslowakia until 1990 /?/ when last soviet union units left home /the year when coup against Jeltzin was launched/.

    The soviet soldiers were briefed that they were protecting the Czechoslowakia against western originated revolution, and were ready for armed confrontation. Due to the fear of excessive civil casualties, Czechoslowak armed forces did not confront the invading forces, they refused to provide supply and support for them, though. /which resulted in punishment of officers in charge, as a consequence/

  4. 108 Czechoslovaks died and approximately 500 were wounded as a direct result of the invasion...

    here's a website that details the whole thing:

    and this one is related to the event:

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