
AIDS...who is the most are responsible.......?

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been researching this & it seems like there are a lot of controversies on the subject.....from sexual preference.(mainly g*y males) ethnicity's.what is your opinion?




  1. Back when black people were still segregated, they used to call syphillis the "black people's disease". A stark similarity with how AIDS is being viewed as the "g*y disease". Throughout history, minorities have always been villified in order to preserve some illusory status quo - usually the power structure held by straight, white men.

    The ones responsible for AIDS spreading are those that have irresponsible s*x. If you wear a condom, no matter how "gayish" one is, you won't get it, period. And if you're straight, if you have unprotected s*x with someone with AIDS, chances are you'll get it. One's sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. If that were true, then straight people should be able to have unprotected s*x all day long!

    Another parallel illness I can think of where some prejudice is involved is thinking that diabetes only affects obese people. The inability to convert blood sugar can afflict anyone (which is essentially what diabetes is), and I have seen several fit people (who are at the gym regularly) who are afflicted with diabetes.

    I think it just goes to show that when we pair up hysteria with misinformation, you have a recipe for disaster.

  2. Those who are unfaithful to their partners or have casual s*x

  3. I don't like what you're implying.  As someone else said everyone is susceptable.  It's pointless and counterproductive to waste time looking for a group to blame.  Also medical progress is cumulative.  What am I getting at?  A day may come when YOUR life is saved because of something scientists learned about viruses while fighting AIDS.

  4. responsible for what? who is responsible for cancer? who is responsible for diabetes? who is responsible for your belief that someone should be held responsible for aids? if you mean who spreads the disease the most? str8 people do, look at the pandemic in africa, and that is not because they are black, it's due to lack of money. please enlighten yourself.

    enlightenment, this question alone suggests that your enlightenment level is on a dimmer switch.

  5. WTF why the dude gotta say africa

    i heard it was created in states then traveled to africa

    oh and not every person in africa has aids  

  6. Well i am not a racsit but i heard once (HEARD)that it came from *Africa !!!

  7. We are all responsible for the spread of Aids, regardless of where it originated. If we throw blame on a single group of people and think we are safe that could be a disaster.

  8. The Ronald Reagan and religious right wing coalition in America. These people are the ones responsible for allowing HIV/AIDS to take over the world.

    Reagan did nothing for five years as HIV/AIDS spread like wild fire.

    This was exacerbated by the religious right, led by Jerry Falwell and Jesse Helm (R-NC), who refused to let AIDS and other health services to distribute condoms and info to the high schools to give students the education they needed to protect themselves.

    So what happens? These kids in the 80s grow up and have s*x and continue to spread HIV so that it has become a HUGE pandemic.

    And it's still a problem. I know because I lived through the 80s. And because the g*y community was so OBSESSED with putting out literature on HIV/AIDS I learned how to stay safe.

    Now in my mid 30s, and after having s*x with hundreds of men, I'm still HIV negative. So EDUCATION works.  

  9. you cannot say it's one certain group of people it's those who do not practice safe s*x that are spreading it further

  10. The people using multiple partners AND not using safe s*x.

    AIDS is a virus, -we won't blame anybody for that. But since it's discovery, this diseased could have been stopped dead-in-its-tracks, -had people acted responsibly.

    But no, - the promiscuity crowd thinks their redemption will come from science and the medical community for a "cure". And they continue their ways, - at the medical cost to everyone else.

    We all pay for the 'sins' of others, and schizophrenic ideas that someone else needs to fix it.

  11. Psh, who the h**l is responsible for global warming?

    Oh, let's waste our time trying to find out.


    Use a condom, and you could shut up. (the world - not you).

    d**n, people just want to associate evil things with minorities.

  12. First of all, aids doesn't discriminate. All people of all groups need to be responsible sexually.

  13. Part of the problem is some religions don't allow the use of contraception *cough* catholics... so we can't even protect people from std's

  14. 10% of all AIDS and HIV cases in the world are g*y men. I don't think it is a g*y disease.

    HIV and AIDS have been around a lot longer than g*y men have, so again, it's not a g*y disease.


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