
AIT at Fort Gordon, GA - Anyone out there been there, and can tell me what to expect day to day and mentally.

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AIT at Fort Gordon, GA - Anyone out there been there, and can tell me what to expect day to day and mentally.




  1. it sucks. not like bct at all. but you do have to phase up to get more free time. when you get there you will be phase 4. which means u have to do everthing ( like detail) then you can phase up to 5 and you can go off post and get a pass to stay one night off post ( weekends only) then you can phase up to 5+ which just means you can get to do more. but never let a sgt see you with your buddy then the will phase you down.

  2. Hopefully somebody gives you a good answer. My husband's going there next week for AIT and I can't find any good information on it at all! I'm interested to know too...

  3. I did my AIT at Ft Gordon and it was quite strenuous for me.  During your entire time you are never supposed to be alone or without your "batltle buddy".  You're first month there you are considered a phase 4.  You are treated like scum.  In my batallion there were tons of details that were handed to phase 4 soldiers and you have a mandatory study time after your school.  Your drill sgts hound you constanly and slam you for every minor imperfection.  Whether it be uniform or the appearance of your room or whatever.  You have a 2100 bed check regardless if it's the weekend or not.  There are a number of things you have to do in order to move up to phase 5.  They include a written exam, a physical fitness test, a room inspection, on and on it goes.  Usually phase 4 lasts 4 works.  I was able to phase to 5 in 3 weeks because I was "motivated" enough.  After phase 5 you get a few more privelages, including you are alowed to stay off post for a weekend and on the weekend you do not have a bedcheck time.  I don't remember how long you have to stay at phase 5 before you can move up to phase 5 plus, also called phase 5 alpha.  I think you can smoke and drink as a phase 5 alpha but only at the bowling alley or off post, regardless of age.  This is how it was in 2001 when I was there.  I hear that things are different now.  We weren't allowed to have cell phones until we reached phase 5 but I hear things are different now.  I hope I have answered your questions.  If you have any other questions please write me and I'll try to help you further.

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