
ALERT! The world could end in 2012?

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Is this true? Now I have heard it many times . On TV they say some date in 2012 is the last date according to the ancient Mexican calender. And ice cap around the North Pole is melting at a high rate . There's more, I heard that the Sun is behaving in a furious way; The Solar Flares (heat waves erupting from the surface of the Sun) maybe responsible for a big earthquake in the future; Cracks in the land have been witnessed in some countries of Asia. Astrologers predict that the end is near too!!

Do you believe this? What are you gonna do ? Carry on usually?




  1. i say drink up, fire it upand get layed as much as possible in the next 4 yrs and if the world don't end we'll it will be a great 4 yrs.and no harm done

  2. This is not news its very , very old, I read books and took courses  at my University. Few will survive as long as they meditate the "PRANA" style of meditation.

    I recommend a book called "nothing in this book, but it's exactly how things are" by Bob Frissell. Also the best public access documentary " Los Proficos De LOS MAYAS",  it is in Spanish and is in the underground market, USA and British media banned the documentary.

    One theory, a polar shift will happen and it will cause a huge earth changing event. any questions. email me. your fellow human.

  3. Nobody knows ANYTHING about this. I suspect when it happens we may know, but probably won't be typing on Answers to tell about it.

  4. Only Allah knows when the end of the world is - although the signs of the end of the world are here there is alot to happen before the world ends.

  5. what's new? for ages, end of the world has been predicted and still -- life goes on! nobody knows when will be the 'real' end. yet, if you still wants to place your bet on who got the best prediction, click here :

  6. this is old news... if it happens it happens. What can we do

  7. The beginning of the end is already in progress.Fuel running out,credit crunch,lawless nonspiritual society,rampant greed for materialism with no thought of our future generations needs,religious hatred from the Islamic Jihadists...I could go on and on and on.What positive arguments can you put up?The waste of millions if not billions in a futile attempt to find "Life on Mars".

    What the ancient Mayans codex's state is that there are events that occur every 26000 years and on the 21st October 2012 this period we are in now will end.Science can only hypothesise about certain things,nothing has been proved but it suits the modern world to believe what science says rather then our ability to intuitively feel the otherness beyond.

    I believe humanity is experiencing a change of consciousness.I think an event will occur or perhaps is occurring now which will be the end of the world as we know it.

    It wasn't long ago that our festivities were interrupted by the Asian Tsunami.In the 1st world this became a news event.Imagine if a disaster struck the 1st world on a level of this magnitude.There are signs and i do believe a time is at hand because the world is in it's death throes and it's because of the 1st world and it's conscious of trapping people in unconsciousness slavery to illusion.That's why in the 1st world death is avoided in talk and Hollywood practises deceit on the big screen with millions wasted on illusory celulloid fables of super heros in stead of feeding and helping people.It has become as if reality for some is to be avoided at all costs in the pursuit of pleasure and happiness.Only Death is guaranteed.

    What I'm going to do is sit back and do what I've always done.Watch for the signs and they are everywhere and death does not frighten me.Why should it?All worlds end for each of us when we exhale our last breath.It's whats beyond that ,that intrigues me.Don't worry be happy.

  8. What's the point in panicking about the (possibly) inevitable.

    I will do my bit to help the environment, then I will carry on as normal. One thing I will guarantee you is that we will all eventually die, you might get run over by a bus tomorrow? Are you going to panic about that too? lol

    So yes, I'm going to carry on as usual.

    Oh, and no I don't believe it - what the mayan calendar says is that is the end of the 'age' not the end of the world. Nobody could truly predict the end of the world, several nuclear bombs might all go off and blow us up in 10 minutes!!

  9. Thanks. The year i plan to retire,2012. Honestly, i don't think it will last that long.

  10. Do you believe what man predicts or what God says is true?  Man cannot predict the ending of the world only God.  Take out a Holy Bible and read it.  You will then understand where I am coming from.

  11. Well, Cheney could steal the election and nuke the world before his first term was over.

    Study science, not astrology.  Humans must break away from superstition to say they are civilized.

  12. OH my goshhhhh

    what da h**l...

    do u actually BELIEVE dat..

    man u must be STUPID~

  13. Be cool dude, not to worry. Death has to come some day and if it is in year 2012 then be it , till the enjoyyy..

  14. This is happening every second.Thousands are killed,thousands are born.Evey second the world ends and a new world is created.The world that was at the time of beginning of this answer is dead and you are living in a new world when you read this.Good luck.

  15. Do you know how many times the end of the world has been profit-sized

    .. .. ..

    About every year a new finding into the date has come and gone

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    The big one was 2000 when all the computers in the whole I mean hole what ever you want to call it WORLD would crash and all the banking in all the countries in the whole again world would crash

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    What is it with dates and mankind wanting the end of it to come

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    From what I have read the earth has about 3.2 billion that is

    3,200,000,000 years

    before the sun goes super nova and that will be the big melt down not big bang

    .. . ..

    And what would happen to the planet if mankind would go poof

    .. .. ..

    It would become a paradise again

    No more polution no more big empty parking lots no more traffic jams no more terrorist plant to destroy mankind

    No more fear of who is going to be the next president

    .. .. ..

    No more big lines at the air ports etc etc

    .. . ...

  16. We are using Roman calender which was written according to the Apollo (the God of Sun).

    Perhaps, Mexican civilization will be ended on Dec. 12 of year 2012; but the world is still rotating round and round.

    You can see how many Mexicans illegally enter into U.S. Mexican culture had gone for  a long time. It is time for U.S. civilization.

  17. OMG!! r u serious!? i never knew that!!

  18. First of is the MAYAN callendar they where from C.A. the AZTECS where MX.

    Most of the s**z they predicted was bogus and when the Spanish conquered this lands they burned all the s**z that contianed the truth.

    If you wnat to learn more read the POPOL VUH.

  19. HAHA, no. that is rubbish! how many times has there been a date set 'to end the world' but no we are still all sitting here! and erm carry on living it up! if you constantly worried about what was round the corner life wouldn't be worth living cos you would never enjoy yourself,

    'you only live once.'


  20. yeah..this is really old news but its evident that its got u ur life normally..God will do the rest,so if He's going to blow the world..wat can we do?fight God??

  21. well at least i would have finished high school.thats when i graduate. i doubt it rly, but hey we never knw

  22. This is old news dude... But still scary.

    For me, this isn't true.  On the year 2000, many people (When I say people, it includes some Scientists, Journalists, and Psychotic freaks) believed that the world would end. BUT I DIDN'T HAPPEN!

    But what the heck, If it happens... Theres nothing we can do.

    Like some say, "You would never know when death comes".

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