
ALF? animal liberation fund?

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is that what it is? explain every detail you kknow please.




  1. ALF stands for Animal Liberation Front. It's name implies the supposed noble objectives of the group. It has been listed by the FBI as a domestic terrorist group that together with ELF (Earth Liberation Front) have commited more than 600 crimes since 1996.

    PETA provides funding for ALF and ELF activities. The money trail for this is documented.They even provided a "defense fund" for a convicted ALF arsonist n Rodney Coronado (who also demonstrated to students how to make a firebomb)

    You can google it and get all sorts of information.  

  2. they're called the Animal Liberation Front.  they're pretty much an animal rights extremeist group. they sneak into labs that test (torture, in my opinion) on animals. they rescue the animals and usually leave their mark (like spray ALF in red spray paint on the wall) there's alot of bad press about them, but i think they r awesome! i'd join them but i'm too young.

  3. ALF is to PETA as the IRA was to Sinn Fein. That is, they are the illegal, violent arm of a supeficially nonviolent organization. They set fires, vandalize researchers' houses, and so forth.

  4. Animal Liberation... Front? There's no such thing as the Animal Liberation *Fund*.

    The ALF is a leaderless group of direct-action animal liberators. Basically, they rescue animals from farms and laboratories illegally, as well as threatening and sabotaging groups that harm animals.

    Not my preferred type of activism, but they help a lot of animals- risking a helluva lot to do it.

  5. Animal Liberation Front.

    Used to liberate lab animals and the like, also were accused of using aggressive tactics towards people who worked at places where animal testing went on.

    Don't know if they are still going, expect so, there are lots of similar groups all over the country too, still doing the same kind of thing.

  6. Never heard of that, but i do know it use to be a show about 25 years ago

  7. They are terrorists.  They destroy property and harm people in order to free lab animals, etc.  They do much more harm than good to the animal rights movement, because they make everyone else think that all animal rights people are whackos.

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