
ALL ARIES! I deperately need your help!

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My ex Aries bf dumped me a while ago b/c he wanted to be single. I was very sad but I didn't call or contact him and moved on with my life. I still think about him though and fantasize that we will get back together. But all my Aries friends tell me that once an Aries makes up his mind, that's it. There is no going back and he will not want me back again.

Out of the blue, last week he called and he said that he was thinking about me and he misses me. But he doesn't want to hurt me again by using me for s*x or anything but he is unsure about going back out again. He said "I am on the fence with this." I'm so happy but scared to DEATH he will say no. What should I do? How can I somehow make this work in my favor?




  1. On the fence?  He either wants to be with you or he doesn't.

  2. Wait,what sign is he?

    I'm not an Aries.

  3. well if u like him there is no reason you shouldn't go out with him the aries stuff it's just fake i mean it doesn'tt matter what what another culture says dowhatt u feel not ahoroscopee

  4. I am an Aries. I dumped a fiancee a few years ago. He was begging for a chance to come back. I didn't know what to do because he went back to his ex girlfriend who just took him back to break up our engagement, she then laughed in his face and dumped him. I thought about it, decided to give him a second chance, but he showed me that he could not change his ways and even when I gave him a second chance, the feelings were no longer there.

    Everyone is different despite their signs of the zodiac. Aries are headstrong people that know what they want in life.

    Why do you want him back if he indicated that he is using your for s*x? It sounds to me like he left you for your good and he left you for honest reasons. He doesn't want to use you?

    You don't need someone like that. Wake up! Stop worrying about the Aries guy and move on with your life.  

  5. As an Aries female . . . .I try not to get involved with other Aries. Whatever you do, don't allow the relationship to just be based on messing around.  Because then he'll have the upper hand. The worst thing in the world is an Aries having the upper hand , because all of our negative traits start to come out. We have a tendency not to respect others or feel that there's no reason to respect them.  Most likely he's telling you the truth when he says he was thinking about you. Don't give in too easy. Aries love challenge . When he realizes you're not a challenge then he feels it isn't worth it and he'll be an ******. His ego will go overboard.

  6. i really feel you ,my ex aries and me scorpio we broke up 20 days ago ouuuuuuuuuufffffffffffffffffffffff .

    he fight with me ,,i feel he have on his hands a AK47 and he shoot me ,,and me to cry coz of my mistakes ,,the funny part ??i tho i wasn't love with him..i tho was the s*x (scorpion+aries) is the wow thing.

    i dont know what to tell you i need advise too ,otherwise i go crazy .i cant thing ,i cant eat ,i have lost 5 kilos  

  7. I'm an Aries, but I don't really know how much insight that can give you. I would just give him some space. If he doesn't want to get back together with you than he's not worth your time.

  8. First off your friends are giving you advice from the free sun sign colums you can google online. Please do not go by what sign your boyfriend is or anyone else is for that matter because there is much much more to astrology than that.

    As for what you can do? Personally if I were a girl and in your postition I wouldent want him back. The only thing that you can do is not to pressure him and wait fo him to come around. Either he wants to get back together or he doesent. If you were to push anything on him than he might get back together to appease you but he could also have doubts as well. Give him room.

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