
ALL BLACKS not winning the world cup in ages?Is it choking?bad omen?or a blessing?for popularity of rugby?

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i ask this coz what if the all blacks did win all the world cups,up too now?would rugby be as popular now?or would it be too predictable on the out com of the winner and eventually be boring?As for choking?no way!!It wasnt that the AB'S choked,its that france,aust played the game of there lives!!!as for the boks?well,they just poisoned us!!!lol....but anyway,IS IT A BLESSING?i think so?......becoz they havn't won the world cup in ages,makes it a h**l of alot more interesting too watch!!!think about it?whats ya guys thoughts?cheers...yes im an All BLACKS fanatic fan!!!!




  1. I look forward to your victory over Argentina in the final.

  2. its pretty easy 2 get beaten by a better team when half of your team has food poisoning i think its great theyr calling the all blacks chokers its taking all the pressure off them now every1 outside of nz and even some people in new zealand are saying south africa will win which will make us the underdpgs which we have never been going in2 a crucial match so that should be enough motivation for the boys to get up and beat the boks and as for that super 14 comment thats 1 win in like 11 years and the new zealand teams had 22 players out omg if you took 22 boks out of the super 14 your teams would finish 14,13,12,11,10 GO THE ABS!!!!

  3. the only year they were robbed of their cup was in 95 otherwise they never seemed as though they would have won it had they made it to the final, 03 was just a good performance by 1 player from the other team otherwise they had a good chance that year, however this year they can't s***w up because they have been world no.1 for years and have barely lost a test and are (hopefully!) peaking for this years RWC.

  4. I find the choking thing quite funny. Let’s review the results

    In 1987 we won the cup. No choke that year

    In 1991 we lost to Australia in the semi finals. To many, including quite a few bookmakers, the Australian’s were favourite for the tournament. Two very evenly matched teams squared off and Aussie got home that day and went on and won the tournament. Wouldn’t classify that as a choke. Beaten by a better team who went on to be crowned champions a week later.

    In 1995 we lost the final in overtime to South Africa. We may have been favourites that day but when you look at South Africa’s record at home at that time it was second to none. They had a 69% win record at home against us. In 1995 they were the only team in the world that boasted a superior win record (21 to 18) over the All Blacks which was put right a few years later :) It’s one of the hardest trips in rugby. Just ask the Wallabies. They have won something like 1 of their last 12 in South Africa. Wouldn’t classify that as a choke

    In 1999 we lost to France. That was a choke. Before 1999 nobody was calling the calling the All Blacks chokers. I won’t give credit to France here because of the pathetic effort in the final they backed their performance up with. It was purely a fluke by them as their performances either side of that game were absolute rubbish.

    In 2003 we lost to Aussie. This was played in Australia where Australia had won 7 of their last 10 against us. We were hot favourites that day but a little too short for my liking. Aussie don’t lose too many games at home and can’t be under-estimated at home. Look at this year for example. Wouldn’t call that a choke.

    So all up I think only once we have choked. Same with Aussie in 1987 when losing to France in a home semi.

    If we lose this world cup though I will consider it a choke. We have proven we a class above every other side over the last two years and if we fail to consolidate that position then it will be considered a choke by most every kiwi. Personally I will be gutted if we don’t take Bill this year.

  5. All Blacks is a great team but I really hope Springboks will teach them a rugby lesson like it happened in Super 14.

    In 4 years time maybe will be different.

    All blacks made a habit of loosing important games - they will have soon an important game with Australia.

    For South Africans will be much easier to meet Australia in the final.

    Good luck Springboks.

  6. By saying the All Blacks have "choked" in the past, suggests that their losses were due to their own inadequacies on the day.  That would take away from the teams that beat them, which is very unfair.  The A.B's are not Gods, they are a team of very good Rugby players who win most matches but lose too.  They wont "choke" if they get to the final, they will be beaten by the better team on the day.... the Springboks.

  7. Questions like this are usually typical of supporters of the opposition,get over it dalk ,you are so last year,do you call the Brazilian Football team chokers.Dnt even go there because its been done a million times.Its not choking,a bad omen or for the popularity of rugby,its called complancey!!!!!!!!!!!!end of story!!!!!!GO ALLBLACKS

  8. I agree that we did not choke, but credit must be given to Australia and France who played very well.

    As for them not winning, I think its just a matter of playing average on the day, and I doubt it would do the popularity of rugby and harm as well

  9. Rugby is always popular back home.  In reguards to their record.  Yes it would have been great to win all the Rugby World Cups leading up to this but that was never meant to be.  In a place like Christchurch , Dunedin or Hamilton you could increase the size of the staidia by a 100 % and they would still fill the stands.

    Rugby World Cup in 1991: lousy team deserved to lose; needed a better captain, 1st five eight and 2nd five eight.

    Rugby World Cup in 1995: beaten by a better team.

    Rugby World Cup in 1999:  underestimated France got rolled.

    Rugby World Cup in 2003: one lousy pass bye bye All Blacks.

  10. That is an interesting question...yeah I think it would be boring if the All Blacks won all the World Cups..but not for the Kiwis though.  But I also think it would encourage other teams to raise their standards of Rugby as well to match the All Blacks.

    And yeah your right AB's dont choke they get beaten by the best team on the day...I just hope they learn from past AB experiences not to underestimate their opponents, and just play the best game of their Rugby careers.

    I really hope All Blacks win it this year though =)

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