
ALLAH IS THE GREATEST.are you like me?

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YOU know are you like me, everyday you see things, like your mother smilling, the love of your family, expressions of love and gradititude and acts of almsgiving and kindness that bears no rewards that makes you stop and say to your self--Allah is the greatest--no musicians--no boxers--no actors or actresess--The greatest is only ALLAH

i am just wasting time and trying to clock up points--

whos with me

WHo else belives allah is the greatest.




  1. I love it when my mom smiles, I'm blessed to have the love of my family, I'm happy when someone says they love me, and it make me feel that I'm doing right by doing/giving things for a good cause knowing I don't get anything out of it but blessings from God.

    You are entitled to your own opinion and beliefs. Me,  God rocks my world.

    Thanks for the 2 points and God bless you!

  2. Can we not just all get along?  Allah is the Muslim name for God, just as Christians and Jews believe in him but call him God.  Most cultures believe in a supreme being and God loves all.  God does not just love one particular group of people or religion, God loves everybody!  With that being said, or course God is the greatest because he greated all the beautiful things we see.

  3. My mother is dead. None of my family lives near me.  I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

  4. "i am just wasting time and trying to clock up points--"

    You said it.

    You're just selling invisibility: I'm not buying.

    "WHo else belives[sic] allah is the greatest."

    That is what YOU believe.

    I believe 'he' is just another invisible sky critter with NO evidence in reality.


  5. Yes, Allah is greatest.. Food, oxygen, eye, taste, release, happiness, knowledge and etc are all from ALLAH...If we count all of that bounty, surely we cannot count.

  6. Sorry, Allah is a cheap knock off of the Christian and Jewish god without understanding the teachings of either religion.  If it did understand the other two religions, it would understand that they are myths.

    I'd give Islam another 500 years until it reaches a nearly civilized point, right now it is equivalent of Christianity in the Dark Ages.

  7. his names fun to say but he is not a god. just a funny name

  8. I'm not muslim, so i guess the answer to your question would be NO.

    To be frank, he sounds a bit scary, really. Saying someone is great just because you fear him, is probably not the best thing for a "god".

  9. Not me.  Look at this:


  10. answer: Not I.  I reject your twisted deity and demented prophet.

    If I ever went backwards into monotheism again it would be to Judaism - why would I look towards a third generation misprint of a religion like Islam that denigrates women and oppresses everyone?

  11. i don't believe Allah exists and those things are still beautiful, but to me they are beautiful because they have no meaning. I think it much more amazing that all of this happened by chance.

  12. Gott ist tot.

  13. i am atheist

  14. no......THATS THE TRINITY

  15. No. I love Amen, he who was Lord of Creation and the Atum, and the Ra of day..

  16. Funny, most of us atheists appreciate the exact same things. We just don't attribute them to some invisible sky daddy or expect some future reward in an afterlife.

  17. So you are giving an imaginary friend credit for things that family and friends do that make you happy?

    I doubt that they like that.

  18. Then I look in the Quran and see...Dang, Allah hates g** God is worth that :]

  19. Sorry I am Atheist.  

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