
ALLERGIC TO EYE MAKEUP ): conjunctivitis ?

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I had conjunctivitis 2 weeks ago and 3 days after it went i applied eyeliner and eyeliner and mascara witch made my eyes sting a bit. 2 days later (still using eye makeup and not fully taking it off overnight) my conjunctivitis came ba but my mum gave me opptrex infected eyes that cleared it up within 4 days using it 3 times a day. but on the 5th day i slept over at my mates and used glitter eyeliner that made my eyes go red again. i had to bin my brand new mascara i got after my first bout of conjunctivitis cause of the second bout. am i allergic to eye makeup?




  1. Conjunctivitis is a very strong virus that survives easily on makeup and lots of things.  It's spread from person to person, and sharing eye makeup is a sure-fire way to get it!  NEVER NEVER NEVER share eye makeup!!

  2. You might be. I can't wear mascara because it irritiates my eyes. It doesn't matter which brand I try. I always get redness and irritation.

  3. Never borrow makeup and always throw away any old eye makeup, bacteria can form very quickly. Try using Almay hypoallergenic makeup if you can.

  4. If the makeup that made the conjunctivitis come back was the makeup you were using just before you had the conjunctivitis, then you infected the makeup and it reinfected you.  It sucks, but throw out the makeup you wore before you have pink eye and buy all new makeup.

    Also, you were sharing makeup which is a great way to share germs.  Like pink eye.  Don't share makeup, it's gross.  It may just have been that the glitter aggravated the lining of your eyes which was already sensitive due to an infection.  Wait for 2 weeks before you apply makeup again to avoid any problems.

  5. are you sure you just didnt get make up in your eye maybey thats what happened.


  6. i dont think so but sounds like you havent let your infection totally clear up. you need to see a doc for antibiotic ointment. also get rid of all eye makeup and buy new. for a little while avoid glittery products because your eyes may be sensitive for a bit. always, always, remove eyemakeup with eye makeup remover every night. never ever share eye makeup.

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