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plz dont yell or get worried i know im young real young my name is sarah and im 15 i live in brockton,ma and i was thinking when i turn 16 i was thinking about getting pregnate i know its alot of work its tring and stuff but i can handle it i can take on the resposibility i know wat it is like i take care of my 2 month old cousin everyday a couple times i even had to bring her to school i know it cost alot for medical bills all the rihgt things like cloths cribs toys food vacinations i just want to know wat else i wold have to look forward to and if i am crazy or stupid?




  1. ur not crazy err stupid.

    just wait.


  2. Its great that you want kids, but if I were you, I wait until you are a little older.

  3. ok i am a young mum and i wouldn't say i regret having my children so young but i will say that i stilled went to school and got a good education at the same time, its something you really need to think about i mean will the funds you have now always be there and if you have not worked for anything now what will you do when your child/ren is older you are very young and need to have something in life thats for you, like when your child/ren are older what will you have to tell them show them they like to look up to their parents for inspiration and if all you have to show them is that you had a child young and your life stopped there what will they have to aspire to, you need to think about the rest of your life not just today, a child is the best gift in the world but it would be selfish to bring a child into the world just because you feel the need to have one i would suggest waiting until you are in a stable relationship with a job, partner and home, these are just my opinion and i wish you luck with your choice but please think about it carefully as you are still young and have plenty ahead of you ,

    oh and by the way i am only 22 so i know :D

  4. How are you going to support a baby and provide for all its needs when you can't even support yourself?  You would be shortchanging your child for the rest of its life.  Don't you want better for your child?  Don't you think your baby deserves the very best you can provide for it?  Finish high school, finish college, get a good job & loving husband who will help you give your baby the best love and meet every need.  Your baby deserves it.

  5. It's not just about taking the time or having patience, what about having an education so you can properly provide for a baby? The reasoning behind waiting to have babies is emotional and physical maturity, ability to provide a stable financial and home environment, having 2 people involved in the raising of a child, and so much more. Please don't get yourself in a situation that we the taxpayers will have to bail you out of by contributing to your Welfare checks.

  6. Right now the best thing is to wait till you are older. Right now you can do it finish high school and graduate and even go to college. Because you don't know want the world turning into. Gas prices keep going up and so other stuff has well. Right now it best you have a good job to take care of your child.

  7. if you really want and believe you can handle it's not crazy or stupid. just have it.

  8. well you're not too bad i just got done answering a 12-year-old's question about her wanting a kid. first don't go off doing a one night stand, stabilize your life first: make sure you have a steady job(and no mickey D's), you've talked to your parents, you have health insurance, a supporting husband, the works.

  9. You are in the same spot as me.

    i want a kid soo bad. But to young. I have the money and a job, and enough to support the child. But even myself i know i am to young to have a child. But knowing me i will have a kid befor i am 22.

  10. You're still a child, and children don't have babies, let alone have s*x.  Taking care of your 2month old cousin is not at all like having your own child.

    Finish school, get an education, find a job, find a husband, then discuss having a baby with your hubby.  

    You are nowhere prepared to handle a baby.  Having a baby isn't all "ooohs and ahhhs".  Having a baby means sleepless nights.  No more sleeping in, ever.  No, you can't ask your Mommy and Daddy to help.  Having a baby will be yours and your husband's responsibility.

    Imagine having a child who is in need of multiple surgeries.  My daughter was born with a cleft lip/palate.  She just recently turned 6 years old, has had, so far, 7 surgeries before the age of 5.  Her next one will be at around age 8, and will have more to follow even after that one.

    I'm 40 years old, my husband is 46.  We are pretty "seasoned" by now as parents (our son is 9), and it's difficult on us.  Sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting for our daughter's surgeon to come speak to us... it's nervewracking.  

    At 16 years old, you would never be able to handle that.

    Like I said... finish school, get your education.  Get yourself established in life, find a husband... then talk babies.

    ... What you say makes absolutely NO sense.  You have no common sense, you are a child, and children don't make babies.  It's inappropriate, it's immoral.  It's just plain wrong.  Did you read what you posted?  Read it out loud to yourself.  It's highly immature material.

    Oh man, I just realized, nobody could post such nonsense and actually mean it!  This is one of those fake questions/posts that people make up to make people say HUH?

    You had me going for a while, I thought that you were serious.

  11. you poor thing.  Live life to the fullest.  Responsibilities are so great when you are 30 with children I could not imagine them at 16 or 17.  You are so sad that you are even considering it.

  12. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have kids at a young age but you really should wait until you are at least done with high school.

  13. You are to young & immature to have kids.

    You posted way to much info about yourself:

    Where you live, name & age.

  14. Sweety, I am a 17 year old mother. I have a 7 month old son. I felt the same way when I was your age. I got pregnant when I was 16 and had my child when I was 16. It's not all pickles and smiles...

    I didnt finish getting my education and it is the worst mistake I could have made in my life. I am currently working on getting my High Scool Diploma over the internet because i don't have time to go to school. Think about all of the simple things that you take for granted right now. For instance, going out and having fun with friends, going to the movies, school dances, just simply walking around the block... you wouldn't be able to do any of that after having a child. You never have time for yourself. And watching you cousin is most definately NOTHING like having a child of your own. When they are 2 months old, all you have to do is feed them, burp them, change their diaper, and lay them down. They do get older... I promise. My son is crawling, trying to walk, and is constantly getting into EVERYTHING! It's impossible to watch over him and do my classes, the only time i get to have time to myself is when he is sleeping or at his Nana's. So what you should do is 1.) Get your education... go to college. You'll regret it if you don't, not only that, but you won't be able to provide for your child without a degree. 2.) Find someone who you truely love and want to spend the rest of your life with and get married. By baby's father is in and out of jail and my son has seen nothing but his father's backside since he was born. He ran out on me. Don't listen to the sweet little nothings that guys like to whisper in you ear... thats exactly ehat they ammount up to... NOTHING. 3.) Find a home. make sure it's a stable home. Dont take your child from place to place. My mother did that with me and I resent her at times because of it.  4.) When you've done all that, suggest children to your significant other. Find out his thoughts, how he feels, because he's going to be stuck in it as well.

    There are too many babies having babies now-a-days, and I'll be the first to admit that I wish I would have waited. being pregnant at a young age isn't cool. yes you do get attention but no the kind of attention you'd want. And you body after child birth... your stomach is flabby, and it's SO HARD to tone up your body after child birth... I'm still trying and am unsuccessful. It's not at all what you think it is... so do yourself and the rest of us a favor and wait. You have your entire life ahead of you and you should take advangtage of it. Get your education because think about how you would feel if one day... your son or daughter realized that mommy never did anything with her life and never accomplished anything. Do you realize they would think nothing of you and would be more likley to have children at a young age like you did? Do you want that? And one last thing, children who are pregnant have more of a risk of dying or losing their child  during childbirth. My son was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. Let your body fully develop, get you life on track, have a bit of stability, and then consider children.  I hope this really gives you insight on how it truely is to have a child at the age of 16-17 and I hope that this gives you incentitive not to get pregnant any time soon. God bless you and have a wonderful childhood. Live every moment like it is  the last.  Please reconsider you options a get your priorities straight before making the same mistake that many of us have already made.

    And by the way, my ex-fiance (my childs father) and I had been seeing each other for almost 6 years. So anything can happen. Many young men run away from the word "RESPONSIBILITY" so take that into consideration. Best of luck.

  15. WAIT!!!!! There is no rush. I am not going to tell you that you are crazy or stupid but, the whole idea that you don't want to be an OLD MOM, is crazy. at 15 your still a child in school and don't even know what it's like to live yet!! Do your self a favor and get a puppy first. not an older dog a puppy. and treat it like a baby. Then come back and see. having a baby is a huge responsibility. you may think that your ready, trust me. It's harder than you think!! If you still think that you are ready, go to a counsellor and ask them if there are any parenting classes that can help you make this decision. But remember it's for life. And you want to give your children the best chance possible, it may seem like you have it all together now, but just wait. Biggest advice I can give you. My mom had me at 21 and we have always been the best of friends. And I had my 1st at 25!! Trust me it's had!! Please do not take this lightly!! This is another human life you are talking about, there are no do overs!!

  16. My dear Sarah....

    No, you're NOT..."crazy"... just a little...INMATURE !!!Because only an inmature individual would tend this way...without proper education, job & all the basic foundation it takes these days to raise a child. Not to mention the responsibilities which involve raisind a child!! When I had my first child, I was 21 yrs.- and to speak the truth -  I should have waited a little longer...because I had a good job (which I had to give up in order to take care of my son)-no matter how stable a relationship may be... things can occur & you are left on your own... Now my daughter -also age 21 - had an unwanted pregnancy... had to stop her education...her boyfriend, she had for the past 4 yrs. left her...and so on... She has to stay home, caring for the baby...while her girlfriends go out & party....- She's really "missing out" on a lot of things young people like to do, because she has to take care of her son... So in all sincerety, do take my advice & get your education FIRST !!! There's always lots of time to have a child after you built a solid foundation in order to provide for your child !!!

    Wish that you come to your... "senses" & take my good advice to wait until you are : STABLE !!! Send you all my love from Germany... Annette***

  17. yea definitely wait, because all young mothers regret not waiting, and you should take advice from someone who's been there before... don't assume that your situation will be so much different than theirs.

    And btw, what's the rush anyway? You can always HAVE a baby, but you can never NOT have a baby once it's created.

  18. You can look forward to not keeping any food down for atleast a month, usually more.

    Look forward to your feet swelling and none of your shoes fitting, or feeling comfortable.

    None of your clothing will fit.

    You won't be able to buy anything for yourself for the next 19 years (9months pregnant, and 18years of buying things for your child).

    Have any hobbies? Like going to the mall? Kiss that goodbye.

    Like to get a good nights sleep? Not happening while pregnant, and certainly not happening with a screaming child.

    I can go on and on.

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