
AM I PREGNANT? I'm really worried, now.?

by  |  earlier

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So I made a post about an hour ago, but I hvae some to add:

"So, before my last period, my boyfriend and I had s*x with a condom and it broke (this might have happened twice) but I got my scheduled period. Since my period has been over we have had protected s*x. But after intercourse, while cleaning up, he wiped his stuff on a pair of boxers, and unknowingly I used the same thing to wipe myself.

Since this one time, I've been exceedingly worried about being pregnant. I think I may have some signs but I'm not sure if I'm forcing them on myself due to stress.

I also have slight breast tenderness but my period is probably around 4 days away so that's normal.

What are the chances of me being pregnant, and is it possible for me to be pregnant even though I got my period last month?

ALSO, what are the risks of being 18 (19 in 2 months) and giving birth?Because abortion is out of the question."

So I'm not sure but I;ve been peeing a lot. I've ate some potatoes, watermelon, a juice box and 2 glasses of water.

But I've peed a lot. and i cant tell, but my back is sore, but I was laying on my stomach my lower back gets sore when I do that.

I'm also bloated, and sometimes irritable. I'm not sure if I'm suffering from fatigue, sometimes I just wanna sleep in.





  1. Well what i would say is that you should get yourself checked, take a test or something, then maybe you will find out. And at least you were being protected and being safe but just take a test and you'll see if you are....but don't be worried, jsut don't let everything get to you?

  2. first off calm down it will be okay! if your period is due in 4 days just wait and see if you miss ur period or u could take the test, not a cheap one! good luck!

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