
AM I PREGNANT???????????

by  |  earlier

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I have done 6 hpt and all positive but doctors blood test is saying that im not pregnant. Im really confused as i really want another baby and the best care i can get as my 18month old baby boy died in sept 07 of cot death and i want to do everything right so nothing will happen.

CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE????????????????




  1. It's understandable that you want the best for your baby and only another blood test for confirmation will put your mind at ease. I would schedule another one right away, perhaps you had one done early on? By the next one you should have built up enough HGC to confirm a positive result.

    As they say, it's VERY uncommon to have false positives, let alone 6! I have a good feeling about this for you, good luck and keep us posted!  

  2. if you got SIX tests to show positive, then you're definitely pregnant. i'd switch doctors. thats strange. congrats!!!!!!!

  3. its pretty impossible to test positive and not be pregnant. Id go get another blood test. The odds of being pregnant are definitely in your favor! Good luck and I hope you are preg and have a healthy, beautiful baby!

  4. If you have a positive test then more then likely you are, get another blood test done!

  5. One website i visited answered this question, i think it was in the faq's on (i think thats the right address) It said that Drs tests aren't as sensitive as some hpt's so if this happens go back to the dr in a couple of days a retest. Its probably just that your body has a low amount of hcg and the dr's test wasn't sensitive enough. Good luck x

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