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Am I too old to ask the stork to drop me off with different parents?

I am 20.




  1. You may be too big for him to tote.

  2. you can always give it a try

  3. Your always to old for it, from birth your given the same parents you'll have the rest of your life, outside of like adoption etc and I'm still not convinced that it's exactly the same. If your really dislike your parents don't go for round two, your a d**n adult, just distance yourself from them. That's what I did and it worked fine.

  4. It's not the age, but at the WEIGHT of a 20 year-old I think a single stork couldn't handle the shipment.....maybe four or five condors tethered together might do the trick.  

  5. nope try it lol good luck!!!!

  6. Why not? It's worth looking into.

  7. well yes lol, but hey we dont get to choose :]

  8. ur never to old!!!!!answer mine plzzzz!!!!!!theres pics!!!!!!;...

  9. Hey, you never know. Your parents might be wishing for the same thing.  

  10. much do you weigh?

  11. knock on a door and put yourself in a giant basket before they open the door. Then start crying and lift your arms up while saying "mama".

    Congratulations. You now have new parents.

  12. that's is not how babies are made

    why don't you live on your own.

  13. The thing is... in the decades to come... one morning you will look in the mirror and see your father standing there in your image... you see that you have become him.... its best to make peace now.... while they are still with you. Don't allow yourself to arrive at a point that all you can do is wish because they are gone and nothing can be changed.

  14. The fantasy world period is over. Ask God above for what you require, I bet He will hear you. As long as you are respectful, our Father will assist you with good intentions. Peace!

  15. You are too old by a day. Darn, you missed your flight

  16. hey that's not fair to the stork

    he will die trying to lift you

    ask a hefalump instead      

  17. You're an adult.  If you don't like your parents, get a job and move out!

  18. A stork on steriods, maybe.  

    The "Chuck Norris" of storks.

  19. Old? Well it is said that birds kick their young (babies) out of the nest so they could learn to fly and be independent. YOU must get a life if home is not all you expect. If there is fault then you must determine is it you or parents at fault. Make plans to find other living quarters, but maintain contact with home base, you may decide that life on the outside is too rough and want to return to the nest.


  20. Ya..... you might have to take this up with god I don't think the stork would be of any help but you never know. Ask dumbo the stork managed to carry him. But you know that might not be a good idea good luck trying.  

  21. LOL.....I think many parents want to ask the stork to drop off new children. LOL

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