
AM I alowed to buy peyote seeds????

by  |  earlier

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I know peyote iz illeagle but im a Native American Full Blood an I was wonderin iz it ztill illeagle under American Goverment Eye to buy peyote I would be buyin the seeds an givein them to my local Native American Church Im not a Hippie I dnt take tripz zo I wuzz juzt wonderin if I legal could buy an grow them an if zo were can i buy seeds?




  1. You would have to talk to your Elder.  He would know where that stuff is, as only Native Americans are allowed to use that seed for ceremonial practices.  Us white folk are not allowed to have it.

  2. There are web sites where one can purchase peyote starter kits.

  3. no , not until you type and talk right...

  4. I'm gonna' guess that you might need to be of the Nations that actually use it traditionally. If the local Church isn't of people who have it as part of traditional things, it may not be of any use to them.

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