

by Guest56325  |  earlier

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i smoked weed TWO MONTHS AGO TWO MONTHS AND I STILL FEEL LIKE AM HIGH am dizzy my head is clouded am tripping out right now, i can't concentrate i feel like am going crazy, is it stress? not enough sleep? i only had this feeling after smoking weed it started out being fine after i wake up then like at 10 i start getting the highness feeling, its like i have short term memoy too please help ;(




  1. DUDE i know whats wrong with us Do u ever belive like something is wrong with you i met some pople got the same **** like u think u have a major disease or something, like your gonna die, Its called Hypochondria which is (Health Anxiety) it means like u constantly think your gonna die and all kinda **** it sucks i constantly check my blood pressure. and my pulse.It Sucks.same thing happened to me when i came on i woke up fine then bam it hit me! And had it ever sence It sucks I think they make meds for it not sure but mines been getting better.Just dont goggle your symptoms it will put **** in your head. heres a website u can go to with similar people like us though go look at the fourms u will relate to them i bet.

  2. Hi Lily... has anything in your daily life changed in the past two months?  Something stressful with work, school, relationship with a significant other, family life, you're physically ill...etc?  

    Consider first the emotional aspect what your main pre-occupation of thought is in order to help you narrow down possible causes.  Lack of sleep can make you lose the ability to concentrate, feel out of control and anxious.  If you can manage to set a schedule of going to bed at the same time (even if you cannot sleep) and waking up at the same time every day to get a full night's of rest things may improve.  If it doesn't and you are unable to sleep consider visiting your physician and they can prescribe a short-term course of sleep aids.

    If the symptoms of anxiety still exist after you are able to rest you may need to see a therapist to help you.

    It's not likely smoking marijuana a couple months ago would be lingering on in your system to cause these effects.  This could be more emotional distress.

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