
AM i A VEGAN??????????

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i always called myself a vegetarian but someone said that i'm not a vegetarian. she said that i'm a vegan because

i don't eat meat (including fish)

i don't eat eggs

i don't eat cream

i don't drink cow milk

i don't wear leather

i don't wear fur

besically, if it comes from an animal, i don't eat or drink it.

am i a vegan??

first of all, can you exlpain to me what is a vegan???

i always thought i was a vegetarian. that's what i would say when i went to someone house and they offered me meat.




  1. probaly not

    being a vegan includes not eating ANYTHING made from eggs or milk. like cookies, brownies, cake, a lot of breads, most processed foods (oreos, nilla wafers, etc) ice cream, pancakes, waffles, etc.

    i mean you could be i don't know if you eat any of that stuff.

  2. It sounds like you are.  Veganism is a stricter form of vegetarianism and has been well defined by other posters.  Just make sure you read ingredients to avoid dairy, eggs, beeswax, and other animal ingredients in the products you buy.  Don't worry, there are vegan cookies, breads, and cakes out there; you just have to go find them.

  3. Well if you still eat chesse then no you sound like a semi vegan though depending on how often you eat thtat way A vegan eat nothing from animal no meat or dairy products or eggs

  4. Basically, if you don't eat, drink or use any product that comes from animals then you are vegan. Veganism is a stricter form of vegetarianism.

    It sounds to me as though that's what you are.

  5. Do you wear leather?  

    A vegan does not use ANY animal products at all.  I think that seems pretty hard.

  6. Vegans endeavour not consume or use animal products and by-products of any kind, for any purpose. It is not only a matter of diet but also extends to food, clothing and other products.

    Common products that vegans avoid are the obvious meat, eggs, dairy etc but and also honey, beeswax (insects are animals too), wool, silk, gelatin, lanolin, rennet, whey, casein etc.

    For a good A-Z list of animal ingredients I suggest visiting:

    Vegans also try not to use or consume products which exploit animals such as cosmetics tested on animals.

    If this sounds like you then yes, you are a vegan :)

    If not, but you are interested in finding out more about veganism, I suggest you look at the following sites:

    Hope this clears things up for you :)

  7. Vegan is a vegetarian..a very strict vegetarian.

  8. almost, but you may not be a real strict one.

  9. Do you eat Jello, yogurt, cheese?  Gummy bears, cream cheese, sour cream?  These are also some things that aren't vegan.  Also, you really have to read all lables of processed foods as certain soups, rice/noodle side dish packets, etc also contain animal fat or flavoring.  And cakes, breads and other baked goods that you may buy premade contain eggs and probably dairy as well.  These are just a few examples of non vegan items.

  10. A Simple Definition of a Vegan

    "A Vegan is one who strives to exclude all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals in one's diet and lifestyle. This includes avoiding products derived from animals and tested on animals".

    I like the above definition, but basically a vegan diet/lifestyle excludes, all meat and fish, and by-products like milk, honey,eggs, gelatin, lanolin and things like silk and wool. So really anything that is connected to animals.

    T]he word "veganism" denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.[1]


  11. i think u r..

    n a really good one :)

  12. Call yourself what you want to call yourself.

    Does it really MATTER what title that you have?  A vegan IS a variety of vegetarian.

    –noun 1. a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.  

    –adjective 2. of or pertaining to vegetarianism or vegetarians.  

    3. devoted to or advocating this practice.  

    4. consisting solely of vegetables: vegetarian vegetable soup.
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