

by  |  earlier

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ok so for those of you who are like who the f*** is lo? shes a girl in the hills. i think shes the cause of the awkwardness in the house. i feel so bad for audrina, lo is always such a b**** to her. i have a feeling that all of the answers to this question are gona be bashing audrina and yelling at me cuz im telling it like it is, but i just wanna find out if ANYONE agrees with me.

oh example: season 3 lauren and lo buy a puppy without audrina [step 1 to making her feel left out] then all three of them are playing with the puppy on the floor and lo goes "can you imagine when we bring her to day care shes gonna be the only one there whos like i have 2 mommys!" i guess its not audrinas dog at all huh? way to make her feel bad.

anyone agree?




  1. audrina chooses tto not hang out with them and ignore them

  2. I agree... Lo is a ******..completely fake..Audrina is so sweet and it seems like Audrina has tried to be nothing but nice to her, only to get attitude from her.. Lauren really needs to step in and see what Lo's doing.. she (Lo) acts like a spoilt little brat..did you see the episode when they went to the studio to meet Audrina & all of a sudden Lo's like "i'm hungry".. like ******..who the f*ck cares..  lol sorry I just really don't like her.. she's the cause for the awkwardness between Lauren & Audrina..

  3. I like Lo, but I like Audrina A LOT more. I think Lauren needs to step in. Yes, Lo has been her friend longer, but Audrina is her friend too. She shouldn't pick one over the other.

  4. Lo and Lauren have been best friends on Laguna Beach and the Hills. Maybe Lo is trying to protect that status and is a little jealous of Audrina. Maybe Lo is afraid that Audrina is going to take her place as Lauren's best friend.

    Lo's friendship with Lauren goes back a lot longer than Audrina's friendship w/ Lauren.

  5. i agree with u i dont hate Lo but i think Lo has cuased more problems since shes been on the show..I love Audrina

  6. I do not know who you are talking about but I do know that to hate someone is wishing them death.  You dislike them that much.  It's an extremely strong word.  I hate no one at all except Satan.  No one.  You can dislike or disdain or any of a lot of other words, but please don't hate.  

  7. I think that Lo is the cause of a whole lot of trouble!

  8. I always have been suscpecting of Lo. From day one on the show she seemed judgemental and condescending.  She would make little comments about other people and then would fake smile when they came around.  

    Even with Justin Bobby when they were making fun of his name right in front of him and he just had this look like "These two chicks are lame."

    Her nose naturally points upward it loks like. Just seems like she's one to quickly talk about you behind your back.

  9. Nope I hate her too, I hate them all. I don't know who she is but I still hate her. Please don't invest too much time is this bs show. You are not really that dumb are u? You do know it's a fake show, right? I hope so. Please read a book.

  10. Lo is a self abosorbed cow! its like she feels some sense of entitlement cuz she was on laguna beach. I cant stand her and I wish someone would put her in her place

  11. yess i know shes doin that on purpose

    shes making audrina want to move

    because she wants laruen to be just her friend

    and she is being a ***** to her

    its so obvious that lo dosent want her there

    and i dont see why lauren cant see it

  12. Lauren and lo don't realize how there hurting audrina

  13. I just think Lauren has lost a lot of people and she just doesn't want to see the worse in Lo.  

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