
AMERICA'S PRISONS!!! What to do with the inmates?

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There are many many inmates in Prisons all across the country and they continue to get larger. What should our government do with them?

A.) Send them to fight Americas War on Terrorism for their release?

B.) They waste taxpayers money, they should be released?

C.) Consider MASS GENOCIDE for those who broke America's laws?


E.) Give me options. I enjoy hearing what People have to comment on this subject.




  1. Promptly execute all murders, rapists and career criminals.  Cut out all the wasted time spent on useless appeals and cut out all the  unnecessary expenses of running the prisons.

    Bring back corporeal punishment for some offenses.  Give them 10 lashes and turn them loose if they aren't career criminals and would otherwise serve short sentences.

    Use DNA testing to avoid convicting an innocent person.

  2. Stop sending non violent offenders to prison until the populations decline.

    Stop sending drug use offenders to prison period.

  3. Use them for scientific experimentation kinda like what they did in StarCraft  

  4. Create penal colonies.

  5. put em to war and make sure they fight! if they cooperate then theyll fight like mad people!

  6. Get off of your horse my friend. You are not God to decide what to do with these people. No more comments.

  7. Sean - If you are true to your icon you should know that convicts don't have the discipline to be a good soldiers.

    So A is out

    B there are there for a reason to release that evil on the streets would make things far worse.

    C. No

    D is repeat of B

    E. Start in schools teaching kids there is right and wrong.

    Parents who don't discipline their children get haul into court and pay the fines.

    Hold people accountable for their actions.

    Also put those inmates to work paying for the damages to their victims.  Have them picking up trash on the highways and cleaning up the slums.

    Contract their work out to any body willing to pay them for services.  Pay them at union wages but when it comes to payday they get those damages are deducted from their pay.

    Once they have pay it off they they are considered for release.

    End situational ethics in school.

    Parents take the side of the teacher instead of their kids.

    If a gangbanger is brought it than the parent is haul in too.

    Stop this idea because you are black you are a victim.

    Have the likes of Jessie Jackson to more to help black kids instead of teaching them to be victims.

    There is lots we can do if we want to but we first have to take responsibility and start with the person in the mirror.

  8. I feel that prisons are too nice and do nothing to rehabilitate inmates. I also feel that serious offenders should be put to death immedeitly after being found guilty not 10 or 11 years later. I feel gangbanging should be considered domestic terrorism and be punished as so. Now there are alot of people inprison for minor crimes, having a joint etc, not paying child support etc. If its a none violent crime a feel a hard labor work camp should do the trick. Now as for a time of war I feel that all none violent criminals should have to go to the work camp or join the military and that should always be an option. That way they get a trade and will be trined in respect. But I firmly believe the military is too easy as well. Stress cards and the sargent not being able to train you like the good old days. The military doesnt seem to be disciplined anymore. I would like to see them tell congress to F#@K off, and quite being so PC. Here is a link below that describes what prison should be.

  9. Definitely C we should line them up and shoot them, if they commited pre-meditated murder or if they killed some one due to drugs. why should we have to pay for the stay in some prisons are actually nice thy have a cart that comes around and sells them cigarettes

  10. stop making the jailing of humans a big business for one ,

    the main goal of privet companies is to expand the business, hence more people in jail

  11. We should execute all violent inmates instantly and free all the drug offenders

    do you really think a criminal will fight a nice war? can you imagine how many iraqi women will get raped

  12. Definitely C.  What good are they, and why do we have to put up with such losers?  

  13. E.  I think we should put their butts to work.  They would work fine to mow interstate highways, pick up trash, and clean beaches.

    A. is just rediculous....give criminals weapons?  You gotta be kidding me.

    I do believe is someone is a habitual thief, they should have a hand cut off, if someone is a habitual rapist, they should have their johnson cut get the idea.

  14. well everyone of them that is in jail for a non violent offense such as drug possession or prostitution should be released immediately.  i think that would pretty much take care of the whole problem.

  15. Leave them where they are.  

  16. I think there would be plenty of room if they let all the people out that have been convicted of pot offenses. Pot has never hurt anyone, its bullsjit. Pot should be more legal than cigs. Pot has never ever killed anyone the government didn't want dead. The only reason pot is still illegal is to keep the war machine going.  

  17. Start by putting the district Attorneys jail, before changing the system. Besides, everyone in jail is not guilty. The DA are known for prosecuting individuals who are not guility. Dallas has freed so far 19 people that were falsely accused.

    Fix the problems with the DA and the Judges who are not fair and just. Then we can start seeing what we really have to work with.

  18. i think if america would quit "slapping people on the wrist" so much, then people would learn their lesson the first time they s***w up...but since real discipline has become a bad word in the world, yeah you can expect it to get worse and that ain't good...

  19. You commit a crime, You do the time.

    I think it's how it should stay.

  20. Your idiot question does not deserve a reply as such, but as to what I think, I think you are an ignorant wanker.

  21. The reason prisons are overcrowded is because of this ridiculous war on drugs. Free all non-violent drug offenders THEN to prevent future overcrowding, LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS.

    Too much of anything can be bad. If someone wishes to watch TV all day and eat fatty foods, that's their business. If someone remains at home all day passed out on barbiturates, that's their business. It is not a function of the State to regulate your health habits.  

  22. New York City cleaned the streets of criminals by imprisioning them. They are where they belong. Build more prisons.

  23. Maybe have a better system. If they didn't send every tom d**k and Harry to prison for having half an ounce of weed, then maybe they wouldn't be so over crowded in the first place. Second, they need to have more of a rehabilitation program, rather than, you do the time, get out, and then go right back in again. Thirdly, they need to be able to tell the difference between the violent offenders, and the ones who need psychiatric help. almost a third of all prison pops have some form of metal illness.

    Also, ALL states should abolish the death penalty...even if someone is a serial killer, they still are a person.

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