
AMERICANS! Did you know you are being brainwashed by the Drug Companies & the Health Insurance Companies?

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They spend millions lobbying against it because they want to continue to charge those outrageous prices & keep on raising them every year. That's why they don't want Hillary's Health Care Plan to pass. Many people are cofused about it, hence the controversy. Don't listen to THEM. You're smart; Please examine it & decide for yourseves before voting against it.





  1. Wow they must be evil. They don't want their hard work and investments taken away. These people did not go to school and work so hard to have some stupid no accomplishment politician take it all away. These businesses have brought us so many useful products. Whats wrong with you people?

  2. Drug companies and Health insurance.....  Sucking the profitability out of the healthcare industry, and inflating healthcare cost.  Taking the revenue from hospitals and doctors.  Insurance companies now make decisions that should otherwise be left to a doctor...for example getting an MRI versus an x-ray.

    They are the largest lobbying industries on capitol hill.  They are successfully convincing the masses that universal healthcare = communism.  They've conviced people that private healthcare is superior, which couldn't be further from the truth.  They've padded the pockets of the president, the congress, and senate.....which is why you still can't get cheaper Canadian drugs.

    Wake up ppl !...your being taken advantage of by these corporations.

    Canada has universal healthcare, and they boast the highest life expectancy and lowest infant mortality rates IN THE WORLD !

  3. Show me one country that has a successful national health plan. It doesn't work and I don't need drug companies or any other group to make up my mind. I did look at the facts, but not the kind slanted one way or the other.

    Lets talk wait time for a specialist, quality of care, new research, new drug discoveries. Nothing cutting edge is coming from countries with a national health care system.

  4. Anyone who has worked in health care knows that insurance companies are not in business for the patient, but rather to make money.  The same is true for drug companies.

    My contention is that the same thing applies to the government, only with the government, it isn't money they want so much as control, because with control comes power.

    I am also of the opinion that the government isn't in any better position to make medical decisions than insurance companies.  Medical decisions should be made by the doctor and the patient, not some bureaucracy.

    I believe that the best way to solve the health care problems in this country is to take government and insurance companies out of it.  If we did that, very quickly the prices would come down to where the consumer could afford them.

    Otherwise, hospitals, drug companies, and practitioners would go out of business.  The only reason that the prices are what they are now is because the government and insurance companies prop them up.

  5. Yes, I am smart enough to know Socialized medicine is not the answer. Socialized medicine doesn't work. Ask a person in the UK if you don't believe me. When Government run anything happens it costs twice as much and is half as effective. Do you want to be diagnosed with cancer and be put on a waiting list for months for treatment? The cost of medical care is outrageous and insurance is expensive but socializing medicine is not the way to go.

  6. Oh, yes, I finally see the light.

    Please, Hillary, tell me how to think, because I can't do it for myself.  Should I take soup or a sandwich today for lunch?  Which will be more nutritious and fulfilling, so that I can go about my day doing my best to enhance the success of the state?

    Can you tell me which state I can move to that has an open Senate seat that I can easily get elected to without having any qualifications, because I want to be just like you...

  7. This appears to be a variation of a plan introduced in 1976 by Congressman Al Ullman of Oregon. However, I disagree with one feature of the Clinton Variation. I want people who are mobidly obese, are injured through their own gross misconduct, or whose conditions are made worse through their own willful neglect to pay higher premiums. They are the medical care equivalent of the "assigned risk" category used in auto insurance. Having the same premium for the person who takes an active role in partnership with health care providers in maintaining health and those who don't is unfair and fiscally insane!

  8. Not brainwashed....Drug companies and Insurance companys are publicly traded companies. Their concern is for stockholders and profits, not my health, your health or anyone elses health. The FDA makes sure these companies are protected by cronyism. Insurance and Drug Co's employ former FDA members to make sure their profits are protected by the loopholes. It's a circle of Govt, Drug co. and Insurance co's...each getting richer and richer off the backs of average Americans struggling to put food on the table or gas in their car. There will be no change in America's healthcare as long as there's big $$$ to be made. America's healthcare is driven by greed!

  9. More government interference.  Where will the dying Canadians who aren't in the right place in line to receive Socialized Healthcare going to go to live if we impose Socialized Healthcare in the US?

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