
ANC delegates find Apartheid thriving in Israel , and what does the world do...?

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  1. thats terrible--I suppose people are in fear of upsetting Israel

  2. What is the world doing? Brown nosing Israel, giving them Apache Longbow Assault Heli's, Abrams tanks and Nuclear weapons while the Palestinian's have rifles and jerry built missiles. If the Palestinians defend themselves it is terrorism, if the Israelis attack it is defending their borders.

    All power to Hisbollah, they kicked the Israeli cowards butt big time and will do again.

  3. The USA gives billions of dollars in aid to this sh*tty country and then Americans wonder why there is so much anti-Americanism in the world.

  4. Quit worrying so much about apartheid and worry about what is going on in places like Darfur.

    Thats where the real crimes against humanity are being committed.

  5. The very construction of that wall is, without doubt, an abuse of Palestinian human rights Families are split up, children unable to attend nearby school,  Hospitals out of reach and so on. Its even forbidden for Palestinian men to date an Israeli girl. If that's not Apartheid I don't know what is.

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