
ANGELO DUNDEE was a great trainer period. But was he perhaps the greatest COMEBACK TRAINER ever?

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Angelo Dundee was great period.

But in the specific catagory of guiding a once great fighter to a SUCCESSFUL COMEBACK he may just be the best

He helped lead the immortal ALI back to greatness after ALI eroded with 3 and a half years of rust. Ali failed in his first attempt. But he and Angelo kept plugging. They both became immortal in Zaire as Ali raised his arms in triumph!

He guided a retired Sugar Ray back to the top after several doctors said he should never fight again A detatched retina would be enough for many trainers to shy away in fear of Ray getting permanantly injured

But Angelo knew better!

And he took on the comeback of the fighter he once helped conquer George Foreman.

Angelo was laughed at for that. Many said that Angelo was just as crazy as George. They laughed at George's age

The laughter began to stop when George fought a terrific war against a primed Holyfield

The laughter stopped for good when George knocked Michael Moorer in to the 23rd century!




  1. Angela Dundee may be the reason that Muhammad Ali ever got a shot at the title. In his tune up fight for Sonny Liston he took on Henry Cooper.

    Ali was knocked down and notisably shaken in the 4th round, Dundee between rounds knew Ali was not ready to go back out, so he ripped his glove and bought more time for Ali to recover, Ali came out and got the fight stopped on cuts.

    If Ali had lost that fight his fight with Liston would not have happened.

    Also in the Rumble in the Jungle in his fight with Foreman,  Foremans trainor tried to have the ropes tightended, Angelo ran across the ring screaming and yelling and threatning a lawsuit if they tried and tighten the ropes. The ref sided with Dundee and the ropes were left alone.

    A good trainor can teach a fighter allot of things, but most of all you need a good tranoir in your corner to tell you things that the other guy is doing that you can exploit. Also motivation, Dundee could motivate Ali, and Ali had respect for Dundee and it all worked together.

    Angela Dundee was a great trainor no question.

    Along with Ali he also trained Ray Leonard, and in his fight with Hearns he was behind on points going into the late rounds, 13 or so, Angelo said to him "Your blowing it son! Your blowing it"

    Leonard said later thats all he nedded to hear, and he went out and let loose on Hearns knocking him almost through the ropes and forcing the ref to stop the fight  a round later while Heanrs was ahead on the score cards with a round or two to go.

    Big up to Angelo Dundee

  2. NO....actually the greatest trainer was Charlie Goldman.

    Charlie was the little trainer who wore glasses + a black derby + an ever present cigar stub in his mouth. Charlie saw a clumsy older  Heavyweight named Rocco Marchegiano who had no amateur experience. Charlie knew that he could not change or tamper with Rocky's natural ability by training him as he would an average fighter. Charlie developed Rocky's crouch enabling him to overcome his short reach to fight on the inside as well as develop Rocky's shell-like defense.

  3. I want you to look at the fighters you named do you see a trend all three fighters you named are three of the best fighters who ever lived I am not taking anything away from Angelo but I could have trained these guys and won Ali, Forman, Sugar Ray Leonard Wow if Angelo had trained these fighters from the start I would give him more credit for what he did I will say this he did not mess them up like Emnual Stewart does all three of these fighters were Olympic champions so they were somebody before Angelo came into the pic

  4. dundee was one of the best ever trainers was a trainer to alot of champions not just muhummad ali

  5. Angelo Dundee the best ever, ask Ali

  6. Yes most definately

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