
ANOTHER question for somebody who knows Social Security's rules ... ?

by  |  earlier

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Joe Doakes was approved for Social Security disability . The folks at Social Security decided Joe had to have somebody to help him handle his money ( a “payee” ) . Joe had a payee for several years . Lately, Joe was approved to become his own payee . Joe could list a few bills he has to pay every month, but he doesn't know offhand how many regular monthly bills he has . He could very easily pin down this information after a couple of months of handling his own finances . NOW -- does Joe's former payee have to make sure he has a fair chance to pay his bills ? Does she have to re – route his bills to him ? There are all kinds of urban legends and old wives' tales going around the grapevine about Social Security, so I need an answer from somebody who can give me the real truth .




  1. is this "joe" person really you? ;)

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