
ANOTHER wedding question this more to bay area brides/grooms? I'm having a small wedding..?

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45 people assuming all of his family is coming(some are threatening not to go but all have said yes x-( his parents got divorced and remarried nine years ago and are still childish about it) ANYWAYS lol does anyone know a NICE venue for a small wedding/reception that will be around 5 or 6 k (we are prepared to spend 8 if must but for 45 people including six kids under the age of 5 this is asking a bit much). I'm going bonkers and I'm not sure if freedomhallsandgardens would be a good deal for 7K which includes everything for up to 100 people(food, decor, cake and DJ) or if I should do something else? I am greek but the groom is not so this will be my first american style wedding and I am totally lost and confused. The groom resides in another city right now(he got a job) which adds to the stress since I am on my own. The wedding is Jan. 10 2009 so I need to book now ugh :-(. Every place I looked at will either look reallyyyyy ghetto or they have some insane need for me to spend 15000 on food alone. I'm so ready to elope right now lol and make everyone mad. Just what can I do in san Jose, Sunnyvale, SF (etc san jose up to SF ) locations for around 5-6K for 45 people please tell me. We can't have it at a relatives house since there is no room and all my friends live in apartments ugh.




  1. i think that the country club in burlingame is pretty reasonable. i believe it is crystal springs, right off of 280.

  2. Have you thought about getting married on a boat, they have some GREAT packages.

  3. i had my reception at the dublin ranch golf course in dublin.

    i had about 180 people there which was way too many, but our food total was $7000. this was without an open bar. just couldn't afford it.

    since your having a very small wedding you could definitely get a lot for your money there.

    its a nice setting. they have a patio area for ceremony's if you needed a spot for that. we got married in a church so didn't use that option.

    here's the website:

    the only draw back was that the "coordinator" was not honest with our time allotment. and that really really made us as well as our guests mad.

    i know ts noti n your desired location, but you ost lkely will not find anyting reasonable in your area.  

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