
ANSWER??! Cause I'm getting none, I need help.

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I always feel like ppl's eyes are on me, any bad judgement holds me back, I need to drop it. It's so hard. I am a beautiful young girl I cant believe I hate myself this much. I wanna grow and do new things but I am scared to. Don't suggest therapy, I have been there, I am strong and can get thro this on my own but I need direction thanks!




  1. You need to expose yourself to that which you fear, rejection and ridicule, to be able to conquer it. seek situations where you are going to be judged and conquer them, start conversations with strangers , confront anyone who is looking at you and judging you, speak up and embrace the fact that what you have to say is important, no matter what anyone else says. Do not be ashamed of any" mistakes" in fact, tell people about them and celebrate them as valuable life experiences. Embrace the fact that we are all humans and are all the same, no one has the right to make another feel less important.

  2. I mean this very respectfully, but if you can get through this on your own, why are you posing the question here? If therapy did not work, then perhaps you didn't have the right counselor/therapist....just a thought. If you really hate yourself, you need more help than can be provided here by strangers. Again, I mean this respectfully. Good luck and I hope you get the help you need to overcome this, as it is obviously affecting the quality of your life.

  3. ok all girls go through this.

    There is most likely nothing wrong with you

    Seriously, surround yourself with people who love you && encourage you

    Stay away from losers who put you down.

    && Dont take anthing that is on tv to heart, no one want to look like them anyways, guys dont like fake girls

  4. try talking to a close friend that will help by listening to you

    maybe your next question to yahoo answer should be to someone who has done a lot in life and how they overcame the fear before they started something new

    maybe you'll get some ideas from there

  5. The details of this question are a little vauge, I'm sorry your having a hard time, if you want to write me personally and try to include a little more details perhaps I can help you.  It might be hard to give more details in a general question, but easier in a smaller setting.

    I'm sorry your having a hard time, but From where I'm sitting, I dont really know what to do for you.

    Good luck

    Peace and Love

  6. my daughter has the same problem, it is normal for us to feel like this when we are young, but think of your situation are you paralized and cant help yourself, have you had any parts of your body amputated,

    are you hungry and have no place to live, their are heaps of people that do.  I know that may sound harsh but sometimes if we help others it stops us feeling bad about ourselves, go to an old persons home and talk to them they are waiting to die and very lonely, we can make their day just by being kind.

  7. I'm not a therapist but I say you have self conscious issues.  I really don't know what to say. when you see something new you want to try go for it and never look back. Block everyone out, don't let the feeling that there watching you get in your way.  Clear your mind, take deep breaths, and only focus on you. Dont even think about other people. You are strong, you said it yourself. Now believe it and live like it. I dont know if any of this helped but i hope it did.

  8. I know exactly how you feel.

    Are you a Leo, btw?


    I used to go through the same thing everyday.

    I would go into work and worry, be too worried about what others thought about me.

    I felt like their eyes would pierce in on me, they would walk by and shake their heads, and maybe they did. But the day I could not take it anymore, I went in to work, greeted only those who I talked to, and focused on my work. I began to ignore those looks, those haters, disrespectful people. My work, my job was more important than worrying about haters.

    They noticed I began to ignore them, didn't let them get to me, and they began to back away.

    Just remember, you cannot be everyone's friend.

    And there are a lot of people out there who judge by first impression. Just ignore them. Don't even look at them. Why should they make you feel bad. They are not you. Don't let their misery transfer onto you. Let them figure it out on their own. Just go on with your day and be happy. Don't stop and think about why people give you certain looks. A lof ot the time people do not even know what kind of face they are making at others. Just do your thing. And remember, if people are hating, then it means you are doing something right. They are jealous of you. You say you're beautiful. They are looking at you because they find you very pretty and wonder what you're like.

    They are lonely, need someone.

    You control yourself, not others control you.

    Mean looks don't mean anything.

    I used to think so.

    But they don't.

    Take it easy and breathe.

  9. Okay, I don't want to sound mean but just get over yourself.  If people want to stare at you let them.  Just smile and go about your business.  When you get older you will see how unimportant this is.  For now enjoy your youth, look forward to your future and stop worring about this.  Have Fun!

  10. First you have to want to change and then you need a good therapist and medication.  This is a hard world to live into today with a lot of peer pressure.  Admitting you have a problem is a good first step.  By hating yourself means you have low self esteam.  You are as good as everybody else.  Learn to love yourself for what you are and when you do other people will love  you also.

  11. It's like this..

    The older you get, the less you will care what people think, the more confident you will feel to speak your mind and the less tolerant you will be towards people who are asses and the more likely you will tell them they are an ***.

    The older you get you will realize my next sentence is not just a cliche...but words of wisdom to live by.  Some people learn it early in life, some people learn it late in life....

    Don't give time nor worry to the things you cannot control, it burns you out, it sucks you dry.  When confronted with a dilemma...ask yourself   "what CAN I control and do...then make a list and do those things, forgetting about those things you cannot control.  By focusing on the things you CAN control or empower yourself in the midst of a dilemma.  So recap, in the midst of a dilemma write a list of a few reasonable things you can them...and let the rest go...worry gets you nothing.

    The older you get the less fearful you are, and the more chances you take...because you learn...that there is a rythm to life, even in bad times you can find some life lesson...and if you hold on long enough, the tide turns and life is back to you have to have learn that with age.....if you could BELIEVE it now when you are young, then much the better.

    Its ok to make mistakes, even big ones and even to fall flat on your happens to us take a risk, be yourself, silly, creative, really matters little what others think....if you are a good hearted person....that is what matters, not how you dress or talk, or if you tell bad jokes, or you occasionally mess up.  Be incorrigible, be annoying, be fun, be YOU and enjoy every mishap along the way.  People who are judgemental are usually just miserable; how could you possibly be enjoying your life is you are so busy judging someone elses.

    You sound like a decent young girl, just be you.

  12. gurl im 14 and the same way loll just think nobodys staring at you dont hate yourself you know your gorgouse

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