
ANSWER? I am going to take a semester off and drop all my present college classes what should i expect?

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School just started last week and i have already had so many problems. All my classes are on-line. The reason i want to drop them all and just take a semester off is a very long story, but basically i am so far behind already. I don't want to email every single teacher and tell them my problem because it is nothing they can help me with. I just think right now is not a good time for me to be in school, i cant focus and do well at the moment. I do plan on going back next semester. Has anyone on here ever been in this situation and can you give me some advice as to what i should expect when going to drop my classes. Please i need some advice, thanks to anyone who can help.




  1. I can tell from your posting that you are hurting.  When that happens you just want to pull the blankets over your head and not have to deal with anything.  Emailing teachers, catching up on a week of school, these are tiny things but all of a sudden they seem huge.

    If you give in to those feelings, they will only get stronger.  I know it's hard to kick your own a** and make yourself do the things you don't want to do, but do it right now.  Don't put it off.  Don't push these responsibilities away because it won't make you feel any better.  It will just let you sink deeper.

    Step up, pull yourself out of the funk and force yourself to do the things you gotta do, even if you hate every moment of it.  Find someone who can keep you focused, and give them permission to check up on your progress every day.

    Don't take a semester off.  You will hate what happens if you do.

  2. Pursue your education, nothing is more important than that. It's easier said than done to re-enroll once you've dropped out. McDonald's and WalMart are full of people who were going to "go back to school next semester" and then you look up and half your life is gone and you're not making any money and living in a broke down apartment with a cat. Put school first, kick your problems to the back burner. Trust me, school gets hard sometimes, but without it, you are doomed to be broke! No one wants to struggle for money.  

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