
ANSWER ME TO THIS ???????????????/?

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  1. lip lock???

  2. NO,lip lock does not cause pregnancy.

    sexual intercourse cause pregnancy.

  3. as a nurse I can tell you safely that kissing does nt cause pregnancy although it leads to things that do cause it. In order to become pregnant sperm has to enter the v****a and penetrate a female egg and fertilize it. this can happen through sexual intercourse which is the most common way of becoming pregnant but it can also happen if a guy masturbates and has ***/sperm on finger and touches your clitoris or v****a. or if you stroke him until he finds relief and then touch yourself, or if he fingers your v****a and has sperm on his hand. It can also happen if you are close enough to have private parts touching but he does not actually insert p***s but has sperm or pre-*** on tip on p***s. sperm are strong sturdy little swimmers, they can live outside body on v***a for a few hours which is long enough to swim into the v****a which then increases their life span once they reach the cervix these strong little suckers can live up to 7 days. So even if you are not ovulating you could in the time they are surviving in the body swimming around looking for an egg to call home. But kissing will not make you pregnant. has alot of useful informations for kids and teens, do not listen to your friends who know nothing, talk to your mom and dad even if it is embarassing they have been through it all not so long ago. They want to talk to you but are as embarassed as you are. If you feel old enough to kiss and think about s*x you should be able to be comfortable talking about it, if you are not comfortable talking about it or looking at yourself completely naked in the mirror and think about others seeing  you completely naked you are not ready for s*x.

  4. ?



  5. uhhhhh I'm not to clear about this question..But me thinks that you are arsking whether lip locking causes pregnancy. The answer is no.

  6. na....


  8. um you cant get pregnant from old are you????

  9. yes

  10. no dear. any thing done orally with mouth lyk kiss,liplock.sucking etc doesnt give rise to pregnancy. pregnancy is a phenomenon attached with fusion or addition of sperm(male s*x cell)with female s*x cell(ovum) dat can only happen during intercourse,when p***s gets insyd v****a via vaginal dnt worry dear keep kissing........  

  11. Only ******* to the ***** without any condom will cause to PREGENCY

  12. I don't know what a lip lock is but I guess it is something to do with lips. No, it won't cause pregnancy unless s*x comes next to that.

  13. oh my goodness....are you serious??

  14. NO

  15. NO!

    You have asked this qs twice and ans is No.

  16. Not humans may be some other kind have reproductive system linked with lips

  17. Only if lip-locking leads to s*x!

  18. not

  19. no (of course),,

    who did tell u that thing?

  20. no you have to have sexual intercourse to become pregnant known fact.

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