
ANSWERS, what is a lot more fun and easier to do, aggressive skating or skateboarding?

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and why do people always dicriminate against people who do aggressive skating because if people actually tried it they'd probably like it and its not that bad, they do flips, spins, street skating, and grinds, so which one




  1. Skateboarding all the way.

  2. i do both but i would say aggressive skateing

  3. skatin is the best except for the injuries ive hurt probably every place u can but skatin all the way

  4. I've skated with skates.. and i hated it.

    I like the feeling of riding a skateboarding around.

    I love the feeling of landing a trick.

    I think you can do much more with a skateboard and be so much creative with it.

    in the end.

    Aggressive skating is just a few grabs, grinds, and spins.

    and they discriminate against each other just for being different.

    like a branch of the military makes fun another branch.

  5. That's a tough question, I've always enjoyed aggressive skating and skateboarding. I'm a fan and avid go-er with both, but I do know that the guys I skateboard with make fun of me for rollerblading as well which I don't understand...they're both fun as all h**l.

  6. People make fun of aggressive skating because its lame, and you look like a figure skater when you do tricks.  

    Dude, just skateboard.

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