
ANT <span title="INFESTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">INFESTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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I have a bit of an ant infestation, they are all over my carpet, my bed sheets, on my desk and even on my headboard!!! there must be some kind of spray or powder or somekind of everyday item that will drive them away or even kill them, what is the easiest way to kill ants on my carpet so they won't find anywhere esle to go to. the ants are very small and red, I live in a desertous region in california, I don't know if that will help identify them but its there if you can help me drive them out.

thanks a million




  1. you can actually kill ants with windex or any other house cleaner, you don&#039;t have to buy expensive sprays

  2. Those plastic-dome looking things with poison inside work great for me. (Every pesticide company makes them and usually calls them Ant Baits.) They&#039;re extra great because they don&#039;t smell and they don&#039;t pose a great threat to kids and pets. The ants take the baits back to their nests, and everyone there gets a good dose poison.

    (for the record, ant baits don&#039;t work well for large black ants, but I&#039;ve found that they work great for the nasty little red ones in Wisconsin, Virginia and Florida.)

  3. I used a clear spray I got at walmart called Bug Stop, it worked great!! Also if you have problems with ants in the trash or in pets dishes, here is a plan that may help you..

    How I got rid of fleas and bugs from my home

    You will need to purchase a simple bug/fly zapper; the type you use on a patio to kill flying insects.  You can buy a small one that will cover a large area of your house at most home improvement stores for as little as 15.00-20.00 dollars.  For faster results you can use one bug zapper for each room.  However the fleas do gravitate to the bug zapper’s light once night sets in and all the lights in your house are out. So one should work for a small home, just make sure to place it in the room where the most fleas are seen or felt.   Place the zapper on the floor in a corner behind a piece of furniture so kids and pets won’t play with or bother it. Set it on a plate or pie tin for easy cleaning up of the zapped bugs, you will be killing all bugs in your home as well, and then plug it in.  Remember, it is a piece of electrical equipment.  You have to use caution in where you put it. At night the fleas automatically want to go to a light, when they hop in to the bug zapper light they get fried! You can actually hear little, zits, zits when the fleas are getting zapped! All GONE! Keep the carpet vacuumed daily until your flea problem is under control, this will help tremendously in getting the fleas eggs out of your home and carpet faster!!  I am not responsible for misuse of the above item.  Use full caution in placing your bug zapper to the safest place.  It will work for months, even years; it will continue to kill bugs in your home as long as the light is on.  The bulb can be replaced once it burns out.  The light bulb can be purchased at most home improvement stores

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