
ANWR and offshore drilling?

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Mosquitos can kill a moose with an hour in the summer through exsanguination, you can die of exposure in an hour in the winter, dark half the year, 19,000,000 acres, only 2,000 needed for drilling. Sounds like a paradise to me and the 2,000 other people that visit each year. 2,000 bc they have to sign a book - THAT'S IT!!! Did you realize that clearing as little as an acres can remove oil up to 3 miles away due to directional drilling. Are you also aware there are natural seeps in the ocean that leak 150% more oil than our rigs do?




  1. The hippies are afraid of it melting the permafrost (AKA frozen mud).

    Hey all you liberal hippies! Yeah, you know who you are! Guys like me, and Micheal Savage call you "Red Diaper Doper Babies!" Wasn't it MUD that we seen you sliding around on during that event known as Woodstock?! If it does melt the perma frost, it would mean more mud for the liberal pigs to wallow in!

  2. This question was hashed out once before in the 1970's when they built the Alaska pipeline.  One of the things that the opponents stated was that the pipeline would block the migration route of the Barren Ground Caribou and the females wouldn't have any calves thereby driving them into extinction.  Later on there are photos of the Caribou actually calving UNDER the pipeline because it was the safest place.  I rest my case.

  3. was there a question you wanted to ask, or did you just want to lecture to us about ANWR oil?

  4. Stupendous question!

  5. Did you also know that currently the oil companies own 700,000 acres of oil rich land that they are NOT drilling on. Why do you think that is ??? Because they want more. MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE ..... The only shortage I see is in corporate morality.

  6. Anwar, which is about the size of the state of south Carolina, can not be severely hurt by drilling for oil. It amuses me that every time we get to see pictures of Anwar and its "pristine" environment, it always looks desolate. Almost nothing lives there compared to its size.

    If you were to make a size comparison of the "oil fields" relative to the size of the entire preserve, consider a football field. If the preserve were the size of a football field, the oil fields would be the size of a football sitting on that field.

    HOW can anything we do have significant effects on that relatively desolate piece of Arctic wasteland?

  7. We have to get to our oil reserves, wherever they are. It is absolute idiotic to listen to certain brainless people "telling" us that it would not change anything. What poppycock. The talking points of O'Bamba and his zombies are the result of some cretinous morons exercising demagoguery.

  8. Move on is a good example of a leftist that gets his marching orders from Democrats.  I am sure he thinks he is informed.  The Democrats, true to the trial lawyer constituency, is trying to change the subject of their previous obstacles which they put in front of oil companies by claiming that they already have the right to drill in certain places but haven't.  Leftist always pretend to know better than free market consumers and companies.  They demonize oil producers and make it extremely costly to overcome the hurdles which they put in front of oil production and then pretend that they are not the problem.   Much of the current cost of oil as well as our dependence on foreign sources is the fault of environmentalists and their 3rd grade leftist economics.

  9. I'm pretty sure that just putting a question mark on something doesn't make it a question, but I'll assume that you're asking whether we're for drilling in these areas or against it.  Personally, I'm against opening these areas for drilling, although I'm not vehemently opposed.  Neither of these will make much difference at all in the US dependence on foreign oil.  US oil production peaked in 1970 and it will never be that high again, but our usage has increased tremendously.  Even a large discovery in ANWR would just be a blip on the downward trend of US oil production.  The Prudhoe Bay discovery was huge, but even with Alaskan oil the US could not get back up to previous production levels.  We are going to have to wean ourselves off oil use altogether. Expanding drilling to these areas will have a minimal affect on our oil supply, with possibly a large deleterious effect on the environment in these places.

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