
ANWR now ?

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Is the 4$ national average for gas enough yet ?

Is it not time to start exploring our own resources here at home?

Oh I forgot .... The C a r i b o u

Wrong ! No impact on them AT ALL !!!

The anti-capitalist are going to have to do better than that to stop the drilling now that we are at 4$.

So , are you ready for ANWR to open up ???




  1. Well, I don't think your photo gallery proves much of anything. Animals will still die.

    But when you think about it, yeah, drilling in ANWR is almost inevitable.

  2. $4 is not really very much. It would be better to wait until we need it. There is a finite amount of oil in the world and more countries that want a larger share of it. The United States must hold on to this valuable resource until we can wait no longer. At some point in the not too far future the cry for oil will far outweigh the whining of the enviro-hippies, then will be the time to tap that resource.

  3. Absolutely ready for drilling in ANWR, off shore and in several states where there is an abundance of shale and tar pits to be converted to energy. We also need to build more nuclear plants. Also check out the and see how much of our own resources we have. It just seems most of the Democrats block any legislative attempts to drill for these resources.

  4. The issue of wildlife is no longer the biggest issue keeping us out of the ANWR.  If we started development now, it would take around 20 years for the oil to reach our gas tanks.  So, it will have no impact on our current oil problems.

    Based on the oil companies most optimistic estimates of extractable oil in the ANWR, the oil produced will only supply our country with oil for maybe 10 years, if oil consumption continuities to grow at a 5% rate.  

    Time and monetary resources that would go into the development of this resource would be better used researching and developing a sustainable technology/energy source.  Maybe this could aleviate our dependence on foreign energy.

  5. I would not say there will be no impact but it will be small, and the caribou will adapt over time and life will go on.

    Just the threat of America drilling for our own oil would lower oil prices dramatically.

  6. Yes ANWR now.  And fuel will continue up towards $10 gal.  until  we/USA get serious about harvesting our resources.  Just the act by politicians of declaring a national energy emergency with large scale harvesting - would send speculators into a tail spin.

    But continuing the present path will bring a deep economic depression which will make 1929 look like a picnic.  At least the politicians won't have anyone to EXPLOIT.

    North Dakota is considering a state owned refinery - Canada is very busy harvesting the north end of the Balkan Field.

    We need to open fields all over not just ANWR!

    Oil seems to be produced by the earth about 20 miles deep near tectonically active areas.

    Russians predicting $250/barrel:  (maybe $15/gal.?)

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  7. Yes. And build more refineries too.

  8. Who says that animals will die ? That is an absurd statement, because the presence of our oil rigs on a piece of land that small will have next to no impact at all. The animals might in fact be helped out by the warm pipes that the oil would flow through and breed like crazy.

    To h**l with anything the stupid liberals commies say to stop the drilling; We all know it’s just to halt our independence of foreign oil. They want the USA to crash and burn. We should tell them all to take a long walk of a short pier.

  9. So when ANWR provides less than 6 months of supply, what next?

    No, ANWR will provide several years of supply when we're far more gas efficient in a decade or two.

    But I forgot, the world revolves around US!  Why should WE have to pay a few pennies more when we can leave  BIGGER problem for our C h i l d r e n  to solve instead?  Why leave them ANYTHING?

    They should be grateful to us if we leave the world habital for them at all.  In fact, we just might not.

    ANWR is like a retirement fund.  It gets much more valuable to us as a reserve each year that we don't touch it.
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