

by  |  earlier

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My husband is bi-polar and has ADHD. Since being medicated he has less mood swings but is unable to remember anything for more than a few seconds and is unable to focus and complete tasks. I am working full time and having to do all of the things he leaves unfinished along with caring for our two young kids when I am home. I am so stressed I feel like I am about to have a nervous breakdown, what do I do?




  1. have him but x'es on his hands. He can remember stuff better if he sees them

  2. get a voice recorder or a palm pilot to put things in. That's so sad about your husband, I'm sorry that you have to deal with that, my mother has epilepsy and I know how hard it can be to deal with the mood swings. Good luck.

  3. You need outside help. You can't do this on your own. A mental illness is the same as any other illness. You need profesional help.

    Good luck. Ring a hotline if your feeling really stressed.  

  4. Think about it for at least 30 seconds.

  5. Well first of all his meds seem to be helping his condition...I have friends and family members with bi-polar disorder and be very thankful in his improvement...yes some meds can have this side effect forgetfulness and many other things...give him a chance it has probably been quite a challenge for you through all of this especially when he was not controlled for this condition. You must be patient maybe counseling for you or a good support group that you both can attend together there are some very good ones out there. Keep this in mind don't know how long he has been on his meds but many people must  try diff meds until the right ones work for the individual everyone is different hang in there and be so thankful you are there for him and do not have to suffer with this lifelong disease. Lots of great books out there for people living with bi-polar disorder and other types of depression.  

  6. Sounds like some one should review his medications.  I am bi-polar and have been on Lithium for more than 20 years.  I have to concentrate pretty much on one thing at a time, especially with complicated things. But my memory works well.

    Simple solution.  Write down what he needs to do, in the right order, every single things.  A small tablet is good.  Have him cross off or put a check mark next to each item right after he completes it.  Tell him not to go to item 3 until he has done item 2.  This will structure his efforts and aid his memory a lot!

  7. Get a little photo album and place in it pictures of things that you want him to remember to do...Have your kids help you if they are old enough. For example, say if you want him to remember to water the plants, take a picture of the kids watering the plants and then write a note next to it..or remember to let the dog out...take a cute pic of your dog begging......He can flip through the photo album, enjoy the pictures and the pics will help remind him of all of the things that he needs to do while you are working... And, you can always change out the pictures if you need to have different tasks done around the house...Hope this will help and bring some fun into it for you all...Good luck sweetie....(((((HUGS))))) to you all....Linda....XXXOOO

  8. Leave him little sticky notes, and have him repeat things over and over.

    hope that helps. :)

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  10. there is always memory by association, where a person will associate something they want to store in memory along with something recognizable. if it is still an issue, have him write himself notes, and have them in the most used areas of your home.

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