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Just for fun! To get a laugh! Any bathroom, school or just funny embarrassing stories?




  1.  OMG! i still pee the bed at 14. I have to wear pullups. My best friend Leah finally convinced her parents to have a boy/girl sleepover! Thankgod her parents didn't know that it was our boyfriends spending the night. It wasn't a big deal to me because me and my boyfriend already had s*x before. When we were there we had so much fun that i forgot to put on my pullup! The boys stayed awake while we were sleeping. I guess my boyfriend had alittle dirty plan in mind. He took off my pants he was alittle confused by my pullup but he didn't care. 

    That's not the end! when he pulled off my pullup i started peeing everywhere-- including on him. I don't think peeing the bed is that bad, and thank god neither did he !


    I still have wetting issues. When i was 15 my still besty Leah and our boyfriends were at the mall. We went to go have lunch and stupid me had to get the big coke. I asked Leah if we could go to the little girls room. she said after we go to her favourite store. By now I really had to pee. I tried on cute jeans and walked out of the change room to show my boyfriend. I felt alittle pee run down my leg, and as i tried to stop myself I wetted all over. on the floor and in the jeans. it's was everywhere. 

    Once I was at a bush party. I was mad drunk. I went to a bush because I had to pee. I told everybody not to look as I tried to take down my jeans. I ended up wetting myself. Again..

    Their are lots more about my wetting problems. I have a hole in my bladder causing me to not go long without having to pee. Once i peed during s*x, peed in the car, At a party. Everywhere. I on average pee myself 9 times a week. I pee the bed every night. It might be hard but if my love and my best friend are cool with it that's all that counts. 




  2. In grade 9 I was a hall monitor and I was patrolling the halls after 2nd period.&nbsp; Suddenly, this girl (A.K.A. this girl who b*****s at everyone.) was running so I stopped her to give er a sitation. She swore at me and we then got into an insult fight. I noticed her knees buckling but jut ignored it. Suddenly, she started peeing. I realized she was running to the bathroom and me stopping her cause her &quot;accident. When I saw her stained jeans I burst out laughing. There were lots of people n the halla and they all laughed too. People congratulated me on causing her embarasing accident because she was a b***h to everyone. She was called Peecole until she graduated. (Her real name was Nicoe.)&nbsp; This story isn't embarrassing for me but it was for her.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>P.S. I am now a parking cop and the other day I ticketed Peecole. I realized who she was when she recognized me and&nbsp;started yelling . I then said the meanet thing I could have at that moment in time. &quot;Enjoy paying the $300, Peecole.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

  3. In grade 9 I was a hall monitor and I was patrolling the halls after 2nd period.  Suddenly, this girl (A.K.A. this girl who b*****s at everyone.) was running so I stopped her to give er a sitation. She swore at me and we then got into an insult fight. I noticed her knees buckling but jut ignored it. Suddenly, she started peeing. I realized she was running to the bathroom and me stopping her cause her "accident. When I saw her stained jeans I burst out laughing. There were lots of people n the halla and they all laughed too. People congratulated me on causing her embarasing accident because she was a b***h to everyone. She was called Peecole until she graduated. (Her real name was Nicoe.)  This story isn't embarrassing for me but it was for her. 


    P.S. I am now a parking cop and the other day I ticketed Peecole. I realized who she was when she recognized me and started yelling . I then said the meanet thing I could have at that moment in time. "Enjoy paying the $300, Peecole. 



  4. I wear training pants at the age of 15. So  you can get that:

    : People Pants me

    : People call me diaper boy

    : People give me wedgies

    : No girl likes me

    : I have a nice body, but still the diaper takes it all away.

    : They call me little girl also.

    : Girls rip my training pants off.

    : I can't find boxer training pants anywhere, so I am stuck

    : I also wet myself all the time.

    : Whenever I run out of training pants, and the nurse is all gone w/ the regular, I have to wear baby one's like Dora or Spongebob.

    : And then when I don't wear training pants, I have to wear little briefs that hug me bad.

    : So that is all.


    I really don't enjoy these stuff.




  5. One time i was at a pool party with all my friends and a lot of other ppl i didnt know... i was flirting and hanging out with all the guys and having a good time (some of these guys i didnt know but they were hot and seemed to like me so it didnt rly matter) anyway we were all just chilling when all they guys circled around me and took my bikini top and through it in the boys bathroom (btw im a very chesty girl) so i tried to cover my b***s up with my hands but i was chasing the guys around begging them to give it back and and they kept falling out of my hands and were bouncing all over the place. Then one of the guys came up behind me and took my bottoms and through them in the boys bathroom too. now im completly naked and  i could not cover my self barly at all so i gave up and just let them see me cuz they basically already had... I was just laughing about it because there was nothing i could do so it was whatever. so i decided to go to into the boys bathroom and get my bathing suit ( i knew there was no one in there) and all the the guys followed me and started feeling me up and everything (luckily non of them raped me or anything) ya they had a really good time (and i kinda did to) but me and all those guys are really good friends now (they still remind me of that day though)

  6. this happened a year ago when i was 12 during the summer between 6th and 7th grade and i am a guy. me, my brother,sister, and 8 of my cousin went to knobelas amusement park(which had water and other rides)  with a club my parents are in. my cousins and siblings teased me into going on the twister, a pretty averge rollar coaser that isnt considered very scary. on the top of the first hill i was so scared i wet my pants and tears started to come silently. luckly none noticed and i thought i could if i could make it to where people stand to get soaked from a waater rides splash none would ever know. sadly the twister was the first ride i wet on and my crocth was noticably soaked so halfway to the water ride my mom noticed and made a big deal it front of my older cousins and siblings and everyone in the near vicinity. that was not the end of it. my mom was mad and made me wait until after the clubs dinner. she told a bunch of people and asked for a newspaper for me to sit on for the hour i was starded out my old people  and gigled at by girls and made fun of by cousins and siblings.still this was  not the end my mom walked with me to the rows of outhouses to channge(she alos mutterd loudly see couldnt believe i pissed my pants). i took off my shorts and while changing into new ones and leaning against the door the lock which was broken alowed the door to open fully. i was completly exposed in front of over 20 was embarrsing enough, but i also had a verrrrrry small thing and was completly hairless plus (while at the same time tall, and strong and on the big side) it was enough smaller than usely because of my fear from the roller coaster. i must of stared at the people in horror as boys my age  pointed and lauged and girls gigled. i got controll of myslf, closed the door, realized i droped my shorts, and opened it again to ick them up. i laugh at it now but last year on that day i cried about it.

  7. today in gym class they were playing some weird made-up game.
    i transferred in the middle of the year,so this was before they learned this c**p.
    i went to the school last year and we didnt play this k so,
    i was staning in the back the whole time like a mope and everyone was SCREAMING at me to f*****g catch one of the gayass rainbow footballs and i refused to ..the teacher didnt explain this rainbow-football-4 game when i went there so i looked SOOO STUPID!!!  
    and when gym was over we were lining up to get to our last class and everyone was whispering that i was afraid to catch footballs wow ppl they are retarted they are the ones who are afraid of wasps in the gym and i killed them with my hands whos the baby now b***h
    and kids at school have been making fun of me so much that
    i come home crying everyday

  8. wen i was in 6th grade we had to change for p.e. i still wore briefs back then so wen i took off my pants i saw tht every boy was wearing boxers! I was the only boy whostill wore briefs! so some bullies cam up to me n laughed at me!i was so embarrassed. then my coach came he saw me then he turned red n told everyone that not to make fun of me cause i didnt wear boxers! then wen he left a bullie gav me a wedie wen i was just in my briefs. n they saw my butt

    then the next day he pantsed me in the lockers. then he pulled down my underwear(briefs) n i hadnt gone through puberty yet so my p***s n ball were tiny. 4rm then on i was call mr.briefs

    im 17 now n i switched to boxers.

  9. This happened when I was ten and we were having Halloween Day at school.

    My girl cousin, who was a year younger than me, decided she wanted to go as a boy for Halloween. So her mom, my aunt, called my mom to borrow some of my clothes. On Halloween they came to our house early, before school. I was eating cereal in the kitchen and my cousin came running to tell me that she was going to dress up like a boy for Halloween. I told her that I didn't care, so she told me that she was going to wear some of my clothes and my mom had told her she could pick whatever she wanted. I told her that I still didn't care. Then she smiled and told me that I was going to be a girl for Halloween. I told her she was crazy but she said that she had overheard our mothers talking on the phone, and that she and her mom had brought some of her clothes for me.
    I called her a liar and ran to see our moms.

    When I got to the living room I knew she wasn't lying. There was a long, blond wig on one of those foam stands on the coffee table and a box on the sofa. My mom and aunt both smiled real weird at me. I shook my head and told them NO WAY before either of them said a word. My aunt said that it would be great since my cousin was going dressed as a boy. My mom told me not to be a stick-in-the-mud. She said that it was a great costume idea and I would look cute dressed as a little girl. I told them loudly that I wouldn't do it!

    I was still refusing when my aunt was putting make-up on me and I was wearing a pink party dress,the wig with pigtails braided in, frilly socks and strap buckle shoes. My cousin wore a pair of my jeans, a sweatshirt, baseball cap and my sneakers. We were sent to school like that where I spent the most embarrassing day of my life. They took us trick-or-treating dressed like that too. My cousin loved it but I've never been so humiliated.

    I still don't like Halloween to this day.

  10. When I was 8 we had new neighbors move in down the street. Their daughter was my age, she seemed prissy but was a tomboy. She was good at sports, climbed trees, and had a mini-bike. She would let me ride it but she was so pushy and bossy that I soon couldn't take it. I got fed up and decided I would show her who was boss.

    I found out in a hurry that even though I was a little bigger than her, she was stronger, could wrestle and fight better than me. She soon had me pinned down exhausted and frustrated. I refused to say uncle or give up in any way. So beginning with my shoes, she started pulling my clothes off. I asked her what she was trying to do but she didn't answer. She just kept stripping away. I struggled, yelled uncle, apologized, told her she was better than me, even begged for her to stop. It was no use though.

    When she let me up I looked at myself and realized I was down to my underwear! Shocked and embarrassed I was stunned and didn't move for a few seconds. It was humiliating. She pointed and laughed as I struggled to cover up and then just ran for home.

    I still get embarrassed just telling this.

  11. lol, i hav a cuple. I wuz in gym class and i let a SUPER LOUD one rip. Luckily everyone blamed it on timmy, but lol. Also, when I was skating, I had a girl following me, so i felt desperate so i pushed her and skated super fast away to a safe spot, lol, it smelled like diarrhea! Well, yah. I was reading for a play and i messed up, i had the giggles sooo bad, i almost RUINED the play! yah, so tell meh wat uthink!

  12. I was 14, and I we had a big open shower for gym class. I showered, and then nothing happend. I could not believe it!

  13. j was im 2 grade and then we where in a circle on the carpet and then nobody was tallking couse the teacher was gone and suddendly i needed to f**t i reeeeaaalllly did and i coulnd hold it any longer i hoped it was smallll but it was huge and alwso as we where in 2 grade every body was laughing at me.

    and once i was on the trampolien and my cousin was tickiling me i used to pee if people tickeld me only if i needed to pee but then i did and my howl WHITE JEANS turned yellow 0_O

  14. SO i went to school in a mini skirt and a aeropostale tanktop.The under shirt kind.And some really hot boy was like:
    Boy: Miss s**y
    Me: And
    Boy:I want some of that.
    Then he went and took me into our first period classroom.But sadly enough the bell rang.And the boy ran to talk to the rest of the kids in the hall.I stayed in there.I decided I would m********e.I got ontop of my table and took off all my clothes.And i hadnt relized but my creepy perverted teacher was sitting in his chair in the corner.He watched me for about 2 minutes.I was moaning loudly.He locked the classroom door.Turned off the lights came over to me and started to undress himself.I saw his erect d**k.He layed me on the table and sexly spread open my legs tickling my vsgina and thighs.He started kissing me and everything got really deep.But then I noticed no one was even trying to get in the classroom.I looked over to see their was 3 camras.1 on the ceiling 1 on each side of the table.And he told me that the students were with the most perverted teacher ever watching the whole thing.

  15. At the beach, my stepbrother dropped an ice cream on my back while i was sunbathing. Went I leapt up, he stole my bikini top and ran off with it. I had to clamp my hands over my b***s to chase him but he wouldn't give it back. I complained to my stepdad but he just laughed. Then he pulled out the back of my bikini bottoms (I couldn't stop him because my hands were full...) and dumped his ice cream down there!

  16. Im a strait guy but I like to wear bikini briefs
    with stripes and designs on them. Ive been wearing these everyday since I could remember, almost
    no one knows i wear them. Im 19 and ive been out of high school for a year now..but one day i was
    jogging by the highschool, right after most kids were getting out. I was wearing a pair of tear aways
    and i didnt wear shorts under them because it was hot out that day. So as I was jogging by I happen to go
    by some girls
    and from out of nowhere one of them grabs my pants and rips them off! so then im just wearing a white t shirt
    and a pair of blue bikini briefs with some white and navy blue stripes on them. I start to pull my T shirt down
    to cover up my underwear, and all the girls are giggling and laughing, while im trying to get my pants back..
    then they go for my T shirt! they start to pull it up over my head and finally get it off! now theirs kinda of a little
    crowd gathering around to see whats going on.. and their i am still wearing my socks and shoes.. but in a small pair
    of mens bikini breifs...everyone was just pointing and laughing while I kept trying to get my clothes back.
    I must of been standing there for atleast 5 mins with nothing but my underwear on. it was so embarassing, i cant
    even describe how it felt to just be standing there in front of all those people.

  17. Ew

  18. I'm an adopted pale skinned Asian girl and when my parents first adopted me (they had 3 bio kids too) they camcordered everything which is so sweet. I came in split pants so was quite happy to show the world my bare bottom!!. Dad soon became my favourite member of the family we were close and he would often rub my little bottom to comfort me-i ADORED it! and when he stopped i cried. He was delighted i'de taken to him so well so carried on, as i had the split pants my bare bottom was always on show so he had good access to do it. Even as i got older i'de want a good "botttom rub". Now a lot of these bum rubs were taped and now they show them to people!. We had neighbours friends the other day and they were really giggling "OOhh just look at that bottom" they said and "she loved her Daddy rubbing her bare bottom"!!, one even asked if i still enjoyed having my bare bottom rubbed!!. To make it worse Dad smiled and patted my bottom!! to which they LOVED it!. I was as red as a tomato!.

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