
ANY advice would help!?

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I have a cousin who has this friend (actually hibest friendnd nowadays). When I'm around this friend who is also close with our family, we never really talk to each much. However it's known that the curiosityty and attraction is there. He fixes my car for me for no charge, we talk til 4am some mornings, he gives me little things that I appreciate and help me in a major way. We talk everyday!!! One day after continuously & secretly conversating on the phone, we "HOOKED UP". It was good for both of us. BUT because we definetly don't want the family to know that we've been creeping with each other for various reasons we keep trying to play "unemotional" towards each other. But when he gets upset with me or I get upset with him, I avoid him and his phone calls for days. He doesn't like it. At first he tries to act all hard, but then he'll give in and send me text messages to get my attention the best way he can. But we are so just scared of being found out. What should I do? MAybe being in a relationship is not the best thing for us and he could know that. My cousin would really be upset with us because he knows that his friend's past. If I don't break away and dodge him for a few days, I'm afraid my feelings will get the best of me. HELP!! He's 39 and I'm 31..if that makes a difference.




  1. If you want to be with him and he wants to be with you who cares what the family thinks. When I first met my husband, my family did not like him. But I didn't care, it put a strain on my family and I for awhile, but once they got to know him they loved him. Now my dad and my husband are like best friends. If your family loves you and is already close to this guy why on earth would they mind, it should be a celebration that their daughter found someone to be with and especially someone they already know.

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