
ANYONE LIKE ME WHO HAS SUCCESSFULLY POTTY TRAINED THEIR 18 MO OLD-do you remember the ready signs to look for?

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ANYONE LIKE ME WHO HAS SUCCESSFULLY POTTY TRAINED THEIR 18 MO OLD-do you remember the ready signs to look for?




  1. i was potty trained @ 18 months and everyone hated it! they all said it was to early, i plan to have my child potty trained by 15 months c how eveyone likes that lol,.

  2. My daughter is just starting, and she is 16 months old.  Some of the signs:

    -occasionally she walks around diaperless, especially outside in the hot summer months.  If she pees, she says "UH OH"

    -can vocalize the word pee

    -HATES being in a dirty diaper

  3. 1.  They pull off the diaper

    2.  They put their hands in the diaper

    3.  They approach you pulling on the diaper

    4.  They tell you pee pee.

  4. my son started showing interest in the potty at 10 months old.. I bought him a potty chair and let him use it when he wanted and before baths and getting dressed would ask if he needs to use the potty. At 18 months it is a good time to introduce the potty to your child .. normal signs of a child being ready is they will hide when they mess their diaper, knowing that they just went, telling you they just went, they grab at their diaper or just take it off.  Just gradually show the potty to your child and make it fun do a potty dance when he/she goes in the potty, get treats like stickers or something make them feel big. Get big kid underpants and let them pick out the underpants and explain the them that these are only to be worn if you are gonna be a big kid and use the potty... Dont get angry when they mess his/her pants cuz it WILL happen. Be patient and positive..

    Good Luck

  5. The signs to look for are the fact that being in soiled diapers bother him/her, and that they know they are going in their diaper.  Now all soiled diapers will bother children at some point, but for the child that is ready to potty train, it is going to start bothering them right after it happens.  

    That being said, both of my daughters were trained at between 18 months and 2 years.  And they did it themselves.  I got a potty chair, and we put it in the living room for her to get used to.  She would sit on it like a chair and watch tv (with diaper on).  Then when I would change her, I would let her sit on it with no diaper.  Everytime she sat on it, I would say "wow you are sitting on the potty chair, are you going potty?"  She would giggle and laugh.  Then one day she sat on it with out a diaper, and pee'd.  That was all she wrote.  She was then in love with the potty chair due to the big deal we made about it, lol.

    Some kids just aren't ready to at that age.  Some are.  I wouldn't put any pressure on the child.  The more fun it is to them, the easier it is.

    Good luck,


  6. i really dont remember, try to find a book that tells u, i think thats wat i had. sorry!!!

  7. 18 months is a good time to introduce your child to the potty.  I own my own in-home day care, and have potty trained many children. :)  Here are some good signs to look for.

    1. They will hide, or go off in private when they are going to go in their diaper.  They may go into a corner, or hide under a table.

    2. They typically stay dry for longer periods of time.  Expect dry diapers for about 1-2 hours.  A child will NOT be ready to have potty success until they can maintain a dry diaper for a short period of time.

    3. They willingly sit on the potty, and talk about the potty.

    A good way to start is to sit your child on the potty with EVERY diaper change.  Either that, or time it and have them sit on the potty every hour.  I personally sit them at every diaper change, so that we can make a routine of it.  While they sit on the potty I encourage them to use it, and we talk about going "pee pee" and "poops." (or whatever words you're comfortable with your child using.)

    Typically upon success we give a sticker!  Potty charts also work wonders, where the child gets to place a sticker on their own special chart when they go potty.  Children respond excellently to sticker charts.

    After they have a lot of success on the potty and are going regularly on their own, you should cold turkey them.  I tend to sit them around at home in just their underwear and a shirt.  Have them hang out and play, and remind them to go potty about every hour or so.  It tends to be messy - typically they will go in their pants a couple of times before they really get it, but I'm not a very big believer in pull ups.  I think that they hinder the experience.  When children go in their underwear, don't criticize them.  Explain that it was just an accident and that next time they'll have to remember to use the potty.  Change them, and they're good to go.  Usually they will only have a couple of accidents before they pick up on remembering to use the potty.

    Good luck!

  8. My daughter started "pooping" on the potty at 12 months becasue I knew when she had to go. After awile she will tell me she had to p**p. She didn't start peeing until she was about 18 months.....she never like having a wet diaper on. Hope that helps.

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