
ANYONE LIVING IN JOHNSON COUNTY KANSAS! please please help tornado anyone?!?

by Guest64310  |  earlier

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my friend was texting me telling me about a tornado there where she lives and all of a sudden stopped answering my texts and calls and her last text was that she was really scared about the tornado coming

does anyone live there and can tell me if houses have been destroyed?? please and thank you im really concerned




  1. okay.

    well ive been watching the weather.

    and your weather is coming STRAIT! for minnesota!

    im sure shes fine.

    there could bea  few options

    1- if she is still under the warning.. shes too busy to be answering txt.. she is probaly is the position.. taking cover.. if there is a tornado!

    2- the phone line could have fallen down.. meaning everyone on that plan.. in that area.

    well use verizion as an example...

    if somethign happened to the verizion tower in johnson county... then no one will have cell phone reception that has verizion.

    se what i mean?

    im sure shes fien.

    CHANCES ARE- if something happened to her/house

    she would txt u and let you know!

    you will hear from her when the weather gets better

    i promise!

  2. I just saw on the news that a lot of homes have been destroyed and cell phone service is down.There are tornados every place you look.

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