Now, imagine a character from your novel is coming to visit you at the similar setting you identified. Write a letter consisting of two paragraphs to the character from your novel. In the first paragraph, explain the similarities of your familiar place with the setting in the novel. (You may also discuss some differences between the two settings if you choose.) Use the information from your brainstorming chart to create this paragraph.
For the second paragraph, write detailed travel directions from a major landmark or airport to the location you feel is similar to the setting in your novel. Your character will be traveling by car from this landmark or airport, so you should include distances in your written directions. Include a graphic of your directions with your letter. Your graphic should include the following information:
A graphic with both cardinal and ordinal directions marked. Cardinal directions are N, E, S, and W while ordinal directions are NE, NW, SE, and SW.
Streets, highways, and landmarks.
Three labeled landmarks.
Your location clearly marked