again disabeld under income and left in the road recovery program runs fro need less help recovering employed with savings account
MULIT DISBLED HOMLESS or need to use GI bill or voc rehab before can work?
PROGRAMS make sure it wont happen
he HUD/VASH program is a limited grant. There are 30 slots now which are filling up and they expect 30 more in October. The person must be a veteran, homeless, earn $15,000-$25,000 per year, be willing to be in treatment if needed and participate in case management for 5 years. It is in conjunction with Section VIII Housing, so the person would pay 1/3 of the rent and the 2/3 is paid for 5 years. Currently it is being facilitated through Long Beach and the person needs to be willing to live in Long Beach for at least 2 years. The case manager would help them find an apartment and negotiate with the landlord but the person needs to be able to pay the 1/3 deposit money for the apartment.