
ANy Ideas for element themed room?

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I want a element themed room (fire water earth and air)Any ideas




  1. Fire- maybe a painting with fire colours or a metal sun sculpture

    water/earth- a stone water fountain

    air- a wind chime

    You could use earth coloured paint and carpeting, maybe a leaf motif on your curtains and coverings, rattan and grass mats, smooth river stones in a glass or stone bowl, some crystals hanging so the light catches them, earth coloured candles, maybe a potted plant, either real or fake depending on how good you are at growing things, you could try a miniature zen sand garden where you use a small rake to make patterns in a shallow wooden box of sand and then add small stones, maybe try a bonsai tree or maybe look up inukshuks and get an idea of how they are made and recreate a small one for yourself. Hope this helped you some.

  2. one wall red a deep red, one a medium blue, one a chocolatey brown or sage green and the last white *or like rreeeeaaaallly light blue*

    if your window looks out to like woods then make that wall the brown or green one.

    if you have a window that over looks water, make that the blue one.

    if you have a window that looks over a like flat area, so u see mostly sky when u look out, make that the white one.

    then, for the decor of the room, have something that represents each element

    water- a fish tank, a small fountain *they sell these at garden stores*

    fire- candles, pictures of fireworks, lamps that look like old oil lamps or paper lanterns

    air-cool oriental paper fans, ...i cant think of anything else for air at the moment, but be creative

    earth- plants, maybe a bonsai tree,

    then for your bed, a plain white bedspread but then pillows in red, blue, and green.

    this is an awesome idea for a room. there are tonnns of things you can do with it. i hope these suggestions help and good luck!

  3. AIR: your rooms filled with it

    FIRE: light on of your walls on fire

    EARTH: dirt rug

    Lightning: have a lightning bolt hit your door

    WATER: get a water bed or hot tub

  4. there are 4 elements

    and 4 corners of a room

    = an element for every corner, and have the colours of ech element fade into the next, it could look really cool


  5. You could devote one wall to each element, then mural the wall or set up shelves full of trinkets that have to do with each element. Or how about four candle brackets, one for each element with the element's color?

  6. Cobalt blue is always cool.

  7. pressed flowers

  8. hahahaha when i first read that i thought it said elephant themed room. lmao

    do like a red couch. blue bedspread. green chair.

    paint one wall pale red (fire) one wall blue (earth and air) one wall green (earth) and the other wall white.


    go here i ot my stuff from here

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