
ANy tips for going to nationals?

by  |  earlier

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Luckily my team made it to nationals this year

but i have never been

does anyone know the skill level of AMerican 12 year olds

are they good really good





  1. Congrats on the nationals!!

    I don't know as to the skill level of the 12 yo teams, but as far as the other teams, even the best teams lose.  Just make sure you take care of yourself by eating right and getting plenty of rest before.  Then on game day, go out there with confidence and give it your all.

  2. Not everyone has the privalege of getting the opporunity to go to nationals ever in their career, so for you to be able to go is a great experience especially early on in a volleyball "career" only advice is to relish the moment, have fun because you never know if you can have this opportunity again, also don't worry about the other teams, just focus on your own play and your team's pay and be confident. Plus the other teams and players are going to be nervous too, don't sweat it :)

    No matter how you end up doing, if you enjoy this experience it will benefit you in the future, learn from this experience so that you can use it later on with your teams in the future

  3. hit ball over net good

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