
ANyone know how I can set up my surround sound receiver to my TV, DVD, and cable box????

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I have a surround sound reciever I want to hook up to my TV, DVD, and Cable box but I am extremly clueless how to do it. I have the speakers hooked up thats about all I could figure out. If anyone can tell me how and where I put the yellow, red and whote cords I would like the help. I have a sony TV that has MANY colord inputs and outputs but where they go I havent a clue. I know how to hook each one up individually to the TV but when it comes to more stuff I cant figure it out. If you need more details please email me at Thanks




  1. Okay, most receivers should have one monitor output.  It would be red, yellow, white, and should say something like "mono out."  

    If your receiver doesn't have this, then it's most likely not made for complete home theater surround, and you will have to buy new one.

    Secondly, theres hould be inputs on your receiver labeled "Video 1,"  "Video 2," "DVD," etc.  Run one set of RCA wires (yellow, red, white) from the output on your cable box to the input labeled "Video 1" on your receiver.  Then run another set from your DVD output to the input labeled "DVD," or "Video 2," on your receiver.

    Third, run another set of wires from the "Monitor Out" on your receiver to input labeled "Video 1" on yur TV.  This should do it.

    Lastly, you can switch between sources on your receiver to view your cable or your DVD by selecting either Video 1 or DVD on the receiver.  Next press the input or source button on your TV remote until it switches to "Video 1."

    That should do it!

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